Chapter 13- magcon house

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"There's only one place to go" Ricky said

"The magcon house" he finished

Belle pov

"What the heck is the magcon house and who is magcon or whatever" i asked being irritated not knowing anything

"Magcon stands for meet and greet convention. do you know what vine is?" JC asked

"Yeah kinda" I said

"We'll they're a group of 9 guys and they make vines they are famous and we can trust them" JC said

I nodded and mated back in my chair looking out my window. after a couple of minutes a big mansion looking house came into view

"Welcome to the magcon house belle" Sam said

JC, the one driving, rolled down the window and pressed the buzzer

"What's up it's jack and jack" some guys said over the intercom and then chuckled

"Hey it's JC we need to get in pronto like now" he said

"Okay JC come on in" they said

JC pulled into the gate and we drove up their driveway and there we stood on unknown property to me

We walked up to the front door and before we could press the doorbell 9 guys greeted us with


"Hiiiiiiiii" we all screamed back

"C'mon in" one said. they all bro hugged and I was left there feeling awkward

"So is this your newest addition" one of them asks pointing to me

"Yeah, belle this is the magcon boys. cameron, Nash, taylor, shawn, jack, jack, carter, Aaron, Matthew and Nash's little brother hayes" Kian said

"Hi" I awkwardly said

"Yeah we have our own new addition too she's upstairs and won't come down. only to eat, she's... We'll depressed I guess after we kidnapped her" carter said

Oh great. they kidnap too.

"Shall we sit" Aaron says

We all walk over to The living room witch they live (JC's video ;) )

"So why are y'all here" they began to talk

I smelt a familiar smell. it was unique.

"Um where's the bathroom?" I ask

"Upstairs you'll find it" cameron says with a smile

I smile back and head upstairs. the smell gets stronger coming from behind a pink door. I walk up to the door and that's when it hit me

I opened the door with the biggest hopes. the girl turns her head towards me wide eyed so do I

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" we both scream

Caneron pov

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" We heard coming from up stairs. we all rush up and I head towards the open pink door

Belle and Courtney were hugging


(Sorry for jump in pov)

Courtney pov

I couldn't believe who I saw! it was belle my bestfriend! I got kidnaped three days after she disappeared

"Girrrrrrl I was so scared when you disappeared!" I said

"I know, I missed you, I didn't expect you to get kidnapped too!" belle said

"I've been so depressed and stuff I just locked my self up here OMG this is great" I said

We heard a cough and we both turned around

"You know each other?" Nash asked

"Yeah we've been bestfriends forever. I moved in with her when my dad left" belle said

I hugged her again remembering that story

"And now I'm being pulled back into criminal life" she said

I was so confused what's going on

"What?" Is all I questioned

Hey pumpkins

I hope you liked this chapter

And thanks for reading

I'll try and update soon

Bye pumpkins

-Erica :)

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