Chapter 18- well...

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JC pov

"Still on the search for the justice thieves who didn't turn In these rare missing items to the police but chose to deal them and take much more than their worth are still on the loose" the news reporter said

"We can't just keep moving around and not get caught things are going to happen that we may not want" I said

"We'll what's going to happen if the police catch y'all or something" belle asked

"I don't know but we'll try everything to get out" I replied

She just nodded and turned her focus on the tv

"C'mon let's all go refresh our minds" I say

"Let's penny board" Sam suggest

Belle pov

We walked into this room and there were 7 penny boards on the ground

I grabbed the neon pink and green one and we headed out the door

"Just follow me and we'll just ride around" JC said

We all started riding and this was a good mind reliever

"It's hard to concentrate with that noise in the background" Trevor said

"What noise?" Kian asked

"Listen" Trevor replied

I listened closely and it sounded like the sound of sirens

"Uhhh is that a good sign" Connor asked

"I don't know" Kian said

We listened a little bit longer and the sirens got louder

"Uhhh we should go back" Sam says

"Yeah I agree" I said

We skated like our lives depended on it back to JCs moms house

"Mom, mom, don't worry if the police come act calm" JC said

She nodded and sat down in the living room, we followed and sat down.

The sirens were fairly close now and it was very very loud and close almost like it was outside

Knock. knock.

(A/N: lol that looks creepy)

Hey pumpkins

Sorry for that cliffhanger

I'll try and update soon

Thanks for reading

And I hope you liked his chapter

Bye pumpkins

-Erica :)

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