Chapter 14- explaining

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Belle pov

I could tell Courtney was confused about what i said, so I think it's time for some explaining

"Can I have some alone time with Courtney please" I ask all the boys

They nodded, closed the door, and walked off... I think

"We'll I was kidnapped because I saw something I shouldn't have that those boys were doing. they thought I would report them so they kidnapped me. I soon found out they wanted to use me to steal stuff." I said

"How did they know if you were even good" she questioned

"They didn't they said they kidnapped me, also, because someone liked me" I blushed thinking of JC

"Aww, we'll were kidnapped together, I haut don't know how long we'll be together but I want it to be forever" she said

"Yeah I know, so how have they been treating you" I asked

"Pretty good they don't care what I do as long as I don't leave the house, but if I do one of them has to come and I can't say how I was kidnapped" she said

"Oh haha" I replied

"What about you?" she asked

"They're better now. if I hit them, witch I have, I get hit back or punished but yeah they're better now" I said

"AWWW I'm sorry, we'll I'm sure I'll be more social since I know you're okay" she said

"Yeah me too, maybe one day we'll be back home and reunited" I said

I soon regretted it. why would I think I'm ever going to get out of here. oh we'll things are.... nice now.

I'm starting to like it

What am I saying

But I know it's right

Hey pumpkins

Hope you liked this chapter

And thanks for reading

I'll try and update soon

Bye pumpkins

-Erica :)

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