Chapter 11- news

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Kian pov

Were on our way to the dealer to trade the item we had stolen. I honesty can't believe belle had found the treasure. usually, the girl would have just looked around and missed it. then when the owners arrived she would have gotten scared and stay still not moving. either getting killed or to jail.

"JC put your phone on speaker, so if we need help y'all can rush in" I said

JC, Belle, Connor, and Ricky were staying in the car and me, sam, and Trevor were to go inside and deal.

Belle pov

"What do we have here" I strong voice asked over the phone

"We have the bride in black necklace" Kian said

"How'd you get ahold of it?" he asked

"I did research, suspected where it was, broke in, found a secret room, and in the corner was this" Kian said

"So I see" he said again

"1 mil" the voice said

"Deal" they all said

A few minutes later they walked out and they all screamed again

"How are you so good at this?" Trevor asked me

"Don't know" I said with a weak smile


"C'mon belle, let's go in the store" my dad said

Now I was just 3 and didn't know anything, my mom died a year earlier and my best friends mom was my guardian

We walked in and my dad pulled me to the back corner

"If you owned a secret item in a store where would you hide it" my dad asked

I looked around the room and saw a corner of tables. I went over there as my dad followed I crawled under he tables and went to the corner to see a diamond. I quickly pulled it out and gave it to my dad. while he stuffed it in my backpack.

We walked out of the store and police showed up, they took my dad away and drove me to my best friends house. where I lived for the rest of my life unti I moved out.

End of flashback

JC pov

"Belle" I said as she zoned out

"Huh what" she asked

"You zoned out, you okay?" I asked

"Yeah. fine." she said and looked out the window

Something's up, and I will find out

Hey pumpkins

Erica here

I hope you liked this chapter

And thanks for reading

Bye pumpkins

- Erica :)

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