Chapter 19- tears

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Recap: knock. Knock.

Belle pov

JCs mom got up and opened the door. how did they know where we were?

"Hi is this the house of JC Caylen" the guy said

"Um yea why?" his mom replied

"Him and his guilty party are well, guilty" the officer said

"That doesn't sound like my son" she said

Awwww shes sticking up for us

I mean them

They walked in and looked straight towards us

"All six guys put your hands behind your back for robbery" the officer said

There's no turning back now, they can't run, they can't do anything at all. what do I do now?

"Belle look before I go I just want you to know that I love you okay" JC said to me

I nodded and noticed water was coming out of my eyes!! Psh they aren't tears

"Bye belle" the other boys says

"They will be in court a week from now so find an attorney, or we'll give you one and be there. Since their home is in California, they will be transported there and court will be there" the officer said and slammed the door shut

"What are we going to do?" I asked JCs mom

"Go to Cali" she said "we'll leave as soon as possible"

"Okay" I said going upstairs to pack up the little amount I had

I couldn't cope with all this, in think I started having feelings for JC and started loving the other boys

What's going to happen?

What happens if they are said to be guilty?

All these nervous thoughts were racing trough my mind, the room started to go black and then next thing I know, I'm on the ground

Hey pumpkins

Hope you liked this chapter

(Sorry for cliff hanger)

Thanks for reading

Bye pumpkins

- Erica :)

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