Chapter 8- hurting

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Belle pov

Once we got home JC put me off his back

Kian and Sam grabbed me by the arm and legs and carried me to the room I first was.

They set me on the chair and re-tied me. Before they blindfolded me JC walked in

"Hey guys so I was- WHAT ARE YOU DOING UNTIE HER" he shouted

"No, you saw what she did, she has to be punished!" Kian yelled

JC ran up to me and tried to untie me but Connor pushed off and out the door

"And one of us likes you"

I remember all to well about some one liking me... I think it's JC

Sam ties my blindfold on and I feel like crap just like I did when I first got here. wait what am I saying I should always be feeling like crap they kidnapped me!

"Why did you choose to hit us in some way and run off" Kian asks

"We'll uh why would I wanna be here with y'all, you kidnapped me" I replied

My cheek starts to sting. He or someone just slapped me!

"You said you were going to help us, then you assault us, I knew we should have killed you but JC said otherwise" Sam said

JC cared, he actually cared. awe he so cute. NO STOP god he still kidnapped me. I just want to leave.

"God just be ready by tomorrow, were going to do our first crime with you" Kian said

Connor, Kian, and Sam all untied me and when they were done I sprinted toward my room.

"Wait belle, we moved your room it's in the house above c'mon" Connor said

I followed them up the stairs and into this huge house.

"C'mon I'll show you to your room" Connor said

I followed him up another set of stairs and into this room that was lilac, the bed was white. It had a bunch of other cool features

"Wow this looks like a tumblr room" I said

"Yeah that's what me, JC, and Ricky were going for" Connor said

He left my room and closed the door. after he left I had the idea that they wanted me to live here for a while. why else would they put this much effort into my room? or was this the same room all the other people used before they died?

Hey pumpkins

Erica here

Thanks for reading

And hope you liked this chapter

Bye pumpkins

- Erica :)

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