Chapter 6- around town

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Belle pov

"Here is our part of town" Sam says

I look around the dimly lit town filled with dark alleys. much like the surroundings of where I used to live

"So they have one district limited to criminals" Connor starts "and that's where we are going to train you"

"So are we doing any going around town" I ask

"No we just needed you out of the house" Kian says

We walk for about 10 min. and we are at a brightly lit building strip.

I read the signs if the stores and they all say:

"Disguise clothes"
"self defense"

"First we need to get you your criminal clothes (a/n: like the clothes criminals wear when the do a crime. EX: a robber sometimes wears all black to rob) then we need to teach you how to fight and then get you a gun" Ricky says

"Uhhhh ok" I say very hesitantly

"Let's get started" Trevor says

(A/n: I'm going to keep all that training stuff for next chapter)

Hey pumpkins

Thanks for reading

And hope you liked

Sorry it took me a while I was busy

I'll try and update soon

Bye pumpkins

-Erica :)


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