Chapter 12- truth

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Belle pov

"I'm going to go to the beach, I suspect were leaving soon?" I ask

"Yeah tomorrow at 8:00" Kian says

I nod and head upstairs. I put on a solid black t-shirt, short denim shorts, and cheetah print vans. I put my hair into a messy fishtail and put on my everyday bracelets. I grabbed my white and pink penny board and skated to the beach

It was about 6:00 pm and there were a couple of people here, so I pushed myself away from crowds and sat on the sand

Thousands of thoughts were running trough my head

'Was it my destiny to steal'
'To become a criminal'
'Are my friends sad that I'm gone'
'Is my bestfriend/sister the least bit worried'
I couldn't just cope all my feelings in, well I guess I couldn't cause apparently I didn't

"It's okay" I soothing voice said

I looked up and saw JC

"What do you want" I snapped

"When Trevor asked you how were you so good, you zoned out and looked sad is something haunting you from you past" JC asked carefully

I told JC the story from when I was younger and I started balling. I didn't want to be here, I wanted to be home.

"C'mon let's go" JC said

We penny boarded back home and sat on the couch

"So belle I was wondering if maybe you wanted to-" JC started

"Shhh guys do you hear that?" Connor asked

We all listened closely

"Oh my gosh we need to move!" Kian said

"They might not be after us" I said

We got quiet and listened again they were closer and getting louder.

"C'mon move get your emergency bag and let's pile in the car" Sam said

We ran upstairs and I grabbed my bag and stuffed tons of clothes in there. I grabbed my penny board and ran out into the car.

We pulled out of the driveway and left I took one turn to look back around and the cops were at our house. didn't see us leave. nice.

"There's only one place to go" Ricky said

"The magcon house" he finished

Hey pumpkins

Lol if you don't know who magcon is look them up on vine or YouTube

I had to put them in here but they'll be right out

Thanks for reading

And I hope you liked this chapter

Bye pumpkins

-Erica :)

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