Chapter 24- court

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Belle pov

Me and mrs. caylen walked into the big court room. And there were a few cameras here

It was scary. each boy was called up to the stand and now it was my turn

"Mrs. wood under the law of court do you promise to answer these questions truthfully and only true" the judge said

"I do" I said

An attorney walked up to me

"Mrs. wood, is it true that these boys kidnapped you?" she said

"No mam it's not true" I said

God this felt wrong

Maybe cause it was... eh YOLO right!

"So your telling me you ran away from the good life you had and decided to go Into the life of criminals" she asked

"No, I didn't run away. We'll kinda. I wanted to go with them I chose too." I said

I looked towards the boys and they had a 'good thinking' smirk on their face

The court went on for a few more hours and now it was time to see if they pleaded guilty or un guilty

"I hear by speak for the judge and law and plead these guys to being..." He started









"Not guilty" the judge said

Me, JCs mom, and the boys erupted in cheers. they weren't leaving! I'm so happy

We all did a group hug and left.

Even though all those things were true and I lied. I couldn't imagine life without these guys.

Hey pumpkins

Thanks for reading

And i you liked this chapter

Bye pumpkins

- Erica :)

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