Chapter 23- party

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Recap: "you come here to think too" I heard a girl say

3 chapters left

Belle pov

"Uhh yeah kinda, I needed fresh air" I said

"Oh, living with 11 boys and only having one girl is hard, I needed air too" she said

(A/n: okay I hope you following along)

"I'm mahogany" the girl said

(A/n: hmmmm ;) )

"Hi I'm belle" I said

"Nice name" we said in unison

"I know we just met but my friends are throwing a party tonight at 8:00 and you should come" mahogany said

"Ok, sure sounds fun" I said

"Here's my number" she said giving me a sheet of paper "text me soon!" she said and went to another rock and laid down

I giggled and left, walking down the shore

As I was walking I noticed a girl, again from the back, looked like Courtney

Ignoring it, I started to make my way back to their house, to get ready for the party.

By now it was 3:30 so I had a few
Hours before I had to leave

Text: m is mahogany and b is belle

B- hey Guurl it's belle

M- hey what's up

B- we'll I'm getting ready, kinda, mostly messing around but what's the address?

M- 402 sandy feet Ln. It's a beach house

B- okay thanks see you soon

I decided to get ready. I walked into JCs bathroom and turned on the shower. a took a 15 min. shower and hopped out

I walked to my suitcase and pulled out
A teal flowing crop top, with short shorts, and black converse.

I went to the bathroom and applied a natural look makeup and curling my hair into loose waves. after I finished my look with a black bandana.

By 8:00 I was ready to go, I decided to show up fashionably late and walk to the party

I was so nervous, that pit feeling went from low to extremely high. something good was going to happen or bad...

I finially made it to the house 15 min late. I walked up to the doorstep and opened the door, revealing a huge house party

I texted mahogany to let her know I was here and she met me at the front

"What ever you do don't leave your drink on the counter, if you want soda or something make sure it hasn't been opened. unless you want to get drunk" she said

"Okay thanks" I said

She walked off and I was left there. wow great help. I started to find my way to the kitchen, so many people were already drunk.

I walked up to the counter and saw someone familiar. I couldn't put my finger on it

"Can you please get me a-" I started

"Nash?!" I said

"Belle?!?" he replied

"Is this your party" I asked

"We'll me and the guys and Courtney and mahogany" he said

Wait Courtney's here?!?

"Where's Courtney" I asked

"She's on the beach at the bon fire with all the sober people" he said

I quickly rushed out the the bon fire and found Courtney

I tapped on her shoulder and she turned around and gave me wide eyes

"Belle?!?" she screamed

"I missed you so much" I said

"What are you doing here" she asked

I explained the whole story about there arresting and she have me a hug

"I'm sorry but I'm glad your okay" she said

"Thanks" I said

I stayed a while and had a good night.

But one thing never stayed off my mind

And that was the boys...

Hey pumpkins

Thanks for reading

And hope you liked this chapter

Bye pumpkins

- Erica :)

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