Sex Jokes and Alien Rescues

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Keith woke up naked, wrapped in Lance's arms. He thinks back to last night, blushing. His heat seemed to have ended. He'd have to ask Coran why later. He tried to get out of Lance's arms to get dressed and ready but Lance refused to let go. Keith groans and shakes Lance.
"Lance, let me up."
"Hhmmmghh nooooo."
"Lance, I need to get up."
He releases Keith and sits up, before Keith can walk to the bathroom Lance reaches out and slaps Keith's ass. Keith yelps and turns to look at Lance over his shoulder. Lance shoots out of bed and pulls Keith down to the bed again.
"Thats it, if you're gonna be all sexy I'm making you stay so I can fuck you again."
Keith blushes brightly at this and stands.
"Nope! No way Lance I need to shower and get ready. I dont plan on staying in bed all day, just come shower with me." Lance bolts out of bed to the bathroom, pulling Keith with him.
"Finally!" Lance says and Keith looks at him strangely.
"What do you mean?"
"You didn't want to take a bath with me when I was little so now we get to shower together." Lance turns the water on and steps in with Keith.
"Did you two enjoy yourselves?" Pidge asks at breakfast.
"W-what do you mean?" Keith asks blushing.
"Oh Lance ohhhhh!" Pidge fake moans, impersonating Keith. Lance laughs and Keith just blushes.
"Shut up."
"I was hoping you'd do that last night."
"Alright guys, we free the prisoners and get out, Lance and Keith take the west wing. Hunk and I will take the east, Pidge get to the control center and by us some time." Shiro orders. Everyone nods and agrees then flies in seprate directions. Keith and Lance land inside the ship and hurry to the cells going through all of them. Keith reaches the last one and a small alien is the only one inside. He seens to be about 2 1/2. He had light purple skin and dark hair, but wasn't galran.
"Hey what's your name? Im Keith I'm saving you ok?" The small boy looks up and hugs keith.
Lance walks in "Keith we gotta go."
Keith nods and picks the boy up.
"Do you have a name hun?" He asks again.
"I kaluzana, but i wike kal or zana bettw" Keith nods.
"Okay kal, you called me mama?" Kal nods and snuggles into keith as he runs through the ship behind lance
"You my mama!" Keith just nods, knowing he can't say no to Kal.
"See the man in blue? That's your papa ok, Kal?" Kal just nods and lets Keith carry him into Red. When they get back to the ship and drop off the prisoners (not including Zana of course) Keith introduces Kal to everyone.
"Guys this is Kaluzana, he likes being called Zana or Kal. I'll be taking care of him." Kal squirms from Keith's hold and runs to Lance as he walks in.
"Papa!" He hugs Lance's legs and Lance looks unsure.
"Kal, I told you I'd have to explain to your papa what's going on before you do that." Keith scolds lightly.
"Sorry mama"
"Its alright sweetheart, come give mama a hug" Keith bends down and hugs Kal.
"You're his dad now, Lance. Please I can't raise a kid alone." Lance just grins and hugs them both.
"Well now I've got two boys to love. "
The rest of the paladins, Coran and Allura all giggle and snicker. Lance and Keith look over at them, confused why they were so giggly during the new family's first bonding moment.
"And what's so amusing you five?" Keith asks, putting a hand on his hip with an eyebrow raised
Pidge is the first to speak up.
"D-d-did Kal call you m-mama?"
Word Count: 649

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