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When I woke up, I was in a different place. It smelled better, and the atmosphere felt safer. I crawled out of the bed and made my way to bathroom
to take a shower.

Showering with a broken leg is hard, you have to hold the leg with the cast out of the shower so it doesn't get wet because then it would smell bad and no one wants that.

I got out and proceeded to get dressed. I struggled to skinny jeans on for the 5th time this week. If I owned anything else, I would have put those on but I don't. I slid on a navy bralette with a hunter green shirt over the top.

I sat down on the edgel of the bed and put my walking boot on over my cast and slid a flat on the other foot.

I clicked the button on my phone and answered the text from Henley I had before I left the room for the long day ahead of me.

I have a feeling we will be spending all day shopping. How fun! Please note the sarcasm. I hate people spending money on me. Unless it's food, then they can spend all they want.

I walked into the kitchen to see Shawn's mom cooking pancakes.

"Good morning." I said sitting on one of the bar stools.

"Morning sweetheart, how'd to sleep?" She asked turning around and placing a plate and cup in front of me before doing the same at the rest of the bar stools.

"It was the best sleep I've had in a while." Which was true, it was the best sleep I've had in years. I felt safe and woke up well rested.

"I'm glad to hear that. What would you like to drink?"

"Do you have apple juice?" I asked. I really love apple juice, just putting that out there.

"Sure do!" She said grabbing the jug out of the fridge. "How do you like your eggs?" She asked pouring the juice in my cup.

"Scrambled." I said smiling. She nodded like she was taking a mental note of all the stuff I was saying.

Aaliyah was the next one down stairs. She sat two stools down from me where a cup of milk was already waiting for her. She mumbled a good morning to both me and her mom before laying her head on the counter.

"Aaliyah, get you head off the counter."
Her mom said without even turning around. She groaned but then sat up.

Shopping was more relaxing than I thought it was going to be. I've never had a day where I could just focus on what I want. It was nice.

I also got to know Karen and Aaliyah better which was great. I got some clothes, shoes, and make up. Also some bedding and room decor.

As I sat back on the bed, looking at the fully stocked closet and newly decorated walls, I couldn't help but smile. I laid back on the edge of the bed a sighed, closing my eyes.

There was a knock on the door, that was open, and I opened my eyes and saw Shawn standing there.

"Hey." I said sitting up.

"Got it all unloaded?" He asked crossing his arms and leaning on the door. God that made his biceps huge. How much does he bench?

"Uhh. Yeah!" I said scratching my neck.

"Good. Let's go then!" He said smiling.

"Go where?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You'll see," he said chuckling. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

I hobbled over to him and we left out the front door. We walked out to his car and I once again struggled to get into his jeep. I hate being short.

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