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Week 10

I officially look pregnant. There's no hiding it now. Over the past two weeks my lower abdomen seems to have swollen. For a few days, I was convinced there was more than one in here. But then Karen told me that she blew up with Shawn at around 11 weeks, so I guess that's a good thing. I don't think I could handle two babies.

"The good thing is, you won't get any bigger for a few more weeks. Your uterine wall expanded a little farther than it should have but that gives baby room to grow." My doctor said pointing out a blob on the sonogram screen.

"See, I told you you didn't have anything to worry about." Shawn said grabbing my hand. The doctor printed off the pictures and handed them to me. Shawn helped me off the table and we made our way to the receptionists to make the next appointment.

"Are you excited? The next appointment you find out the gender." The receptionist asked handing me the appointment card.

"I'd more excited if I didn't look like a whale." I said placing one hand on my stomach. She laughed and we left.

"You don't look like a whale." Shawn said helping me up into the jeep. It was hard enough when I didn't have a giant ass stomach in the way.

I glared at him and he sighed, walking around to his side of the car. My phone buzzed and I looked down to check it.

Mama Karen: tell Shawn to meet me and Aaliyah at the mall.
Me: okay

"Your mom said to meet her at the mall." I said laying my head against his window.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking at me worried. I nodded and he continued to drive.

"Are you sure? You seem off."

"It's just something I heard in the bathroom at school this morning. I'll be fine."

"What'd they say?" He asked, stoping at a red light. He looked at me for an answer.

"It doesn't matter. I'm over it." I said twirling the bracelet around my around.

The rest of the ride was silent. I stared out the window and watched as the sun slowly turned to an overcast sky and watched as it began to slowly rain.

I followed the rain drops down the window like I did when I was little. I used to pick two and pretend that they were racing. I don't know why I thought it was entertaining, maybe because I was so young and knew so little about the world that I found joy in the simple things.

It's so much harder to find joy once you realize what a messed up world we live in. Raindrops no longer remind me of joy, they remind me of that night. It was cold, and thunder masked the sound of my screams, well most of them.


"So do you know why she asked us to meet her here?" I said climbing down from the jeep.

"W-why would ask that?" He asked, his voice cracking when he said ask. I raised one eyebrow at him.

"If she's buying me anything and you're hiding it from me, I swear I'll-"

"You'll do what? Cuddle me to death?" He asked cutting me off. I rolled my eyes at him and we walked into the mall.

We met them at the Starbucks cart. I got a smoothie since I'm not technically supposed to drink coffee.

"Okay! Time for the blindfold!" Karen said throwing her empty cup away.

"Wait? Blindfold?" I asked. What the actually frick.

"Yep. Where we're going is a surprise." She said bringing a scarf out of her purse.

"What if I fall? I'm not exactly graceful, even when I can see."

"Relax. I'm going to by your side the whole time." Shawn said grabbing the scarf from his mom and tying it around my face.

"You're in on this?" I asked, feeling slightly betrayed.

"I'm sorry for lying to you in the car, but I had to." He said kissing the top of my head. How could I stay mad at him?

We started to walk forwards. Shawn had one arm around my waist to help me walk.

I heard the faint sounds of cameras flashing, but I figured it was because Shawn is technically famous. That's still a weird sentence to form.

"Okay were here. I have to move but Aaliyah and my mom are right beside you." He said unwrapping his arm from my waist. I heard some shuffling and then felt someone's arms reach up to the blind fold to untie it.

I had an array of feelings when I saw what was, well who, was in front of me. Excitement, disbelief, awe, love, happiness.

"Y-you got...but...h-how...I-I'm...they're..." I was at a loss for words. I had to blink a couple of times and pinch myself before I realized that this was actually.

"You okay babe?" Shawn asked. I nodded, still not able to speak.

How could anyone speak when their boyfriend gets help from frikin famous Australians to ask her to prom?

"Mate, maybe we should leave for a few minutes." Luke said.

My head snapped towards him and I frantically yelled no. "I m-mean...uh...don't." 

"Well don't just stand there, give the man an answer," Aaliyah said smacking my arm.

I walked over to Shawn where he was holding two cupcakes, one saying yes and one saying no. I grabbed the yes one and took a bite of it before smashing the rest of it in Shawn's face. I laughed as he scrunched up his face.

"I shouldn't have given you cupcakes. I should've just went with cupcakes." He said wiping icing off his nose and licking it.

"Can I eat the other one? It looks really good." Micheal asked putting down his sign.

"Clifford, I already told you no once." Shawn said. Michael pouted and turned and put his face in Luke's neck, fake crying.

"Now, time for a dress!" Karen said clapping.

5sos cameo. Whoop! Whoop! Who saw that coming?


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