
27 1 0

6 weeks

"Look down at the tiny belly in this one." Karen said, holding the camera sideways.

"I don't see why I have to do this. I'm barely showing. I just look like I ate too much." I said lifting my shirt up more because it had fallen.

"Come one. Just let me do this, it's not like Shawn going to have kids anytime soon." She said. I looked over at him to the the expression on his face and I laughed.

"I'll have you know I'm very popular with the ladies." He said crossing his arms over his chest.

"The twelve year old ladies." Aaliyah said causing me to laugh harder.

"Aaliyah, that was funny. But rude, you need to be nice to your brother. He's the only one you'll ever have." Karen said writing something on a chalkboard. "Now Brooke, just hold this and look at it instead of the camera."

I did as I was told, but not without rolling my eyes first. This was getting ridiculous. We took a few more photos until I got completely bored and started to zone out.

"I'm back!" Manny yelled from upstairs. We were down in the basement taking pictures in the nursery.

"Pizza!" I exclaimed dropping the ultrasound picture I was holding and sprinting up the stairs. I heard Shawn, Karen and Aaliyah laughing behind me but I was to hungry to care.

I walked into the kitchen and sat down, getting my three pieces and waiting for everyone else to get in here. If they would have been even a millisecond later than what they were, I would have started to eat without them.


As I sat in history class, the only thing I could concentrate on was the pressure on my bladder. I didn't want to ask to go to the bathroom because I was late to class, because I was in the bathroom. Just five more minutes and I would be free to go. I crossed my leg and waited for the bell to ring.

I quickly threw my stuff into my book bag and dashed out the door. I sped walk down the hall and almost crashed into the bathroom as I couldn't contain my bladder a moment longer.

"She's probably got some kind of STD. She's been acting weirder than normal lately." I heard some random person whisper. Were they talking about me?

"Maybe she got herself knocked up. She's a big enough whore go do so." The other voice said. "What if it's Shawn's? They are always together. Maybe that's why his family has her shacked up in their house." Yep, they were definitely talking about me.

But how could they know? I've wore nothing but loose clothing and I was hardly showing anyway.

I waited until they left before exiting the stall. I washed my hands and dried my face from the tears I didn't even realize were there.

Shawn was standing by the door waiting for me when opened it.

"Hey...what's wrong?" He said grabbing on to my shoulders and looking me in the eye.

"N-nothing." I said on the verge of tears. His face dropped and he moved his arms, pulling me into a hug.

I sobbed into his chest. I didn't want to, but I couldn't help it. He rest his chin on top of my head and wrapped his arms more securely around me. He walked backwards and I shuffled along with him. I didn't really feel like standing beside the bathroom.

"Why don't we just ditch last block and go get some ice cream. I'll text my mom to let her know where we're going." I said whispering to where I could barely hear him. I nodded, not moving my face from it's hiding place in his chest.

He unwrapped his arms from me, very much to my dislike, but he didn't lose contact. He grabbed my book bag in one hand and my hand in his other and he led us out side to his car.

We backed out of the school parking lot and made our way to get ice cream.

"Welcome to Dina's, what can I get you?" The person asked through the drive thru speaker.

"Hi. Can I get two scoopes of black cherry on a waffle cone. And then one scoop of cookie dough and one scoop of cookies and cream on another?" Shawn said to the speaker.

"Sure thing. It'll be $5.93 at the first window please." He thanked the lady and then pulled around.

"How'd you know what I wanted?" I said taking my ice cream from him and taking a bite of the cookie dough.

"I pay attention to the little things."  He said pulling out of the drive way and making his way a few blocks down the street to the little park.

We got out and made our way over to the picnic table. I sat on one side and he sat across from me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, setting his phone face down on the table. I loved when he did that. I had his full attention and no matter how many texts he got, he wouldn't pick it up until the conversation was over.

"Just rumors. And hormones." I said taking another bite of ice cream.

"What were they saying the time." He said reaching across the table and grabbing my free hand. He rubbed his thumb across my knuckles, which was very calming.

"I'm a whore with STDs that's pregnant with your baby which is why your parents have me shacked up in your house." I said, laughing at how stupid it sounded.

"That's just because they're jealous." He said, licking his ice cream that had started to drop in his hand.

"And what are the jealous of. Having a bastard baby, or losing their virginity to some drunk asshole?" I asked rolling my eyes, and biting down on the cone angrily.

"They're jealous cause you're way prettier than anyone in the school and you have what they want." He said, which caused me to raise my eye.

"And what is it they want?" I asked.

"Me. 24/7." He said wiggling he eyebrows, trying to be seductive and failing. I laughed at him so hard I almost choked.

"Real smooth Mendes." I said reaching over the table and patting him on the head. He scrunched his face up and I laughed at him.

As I sat back down and looked at him fixing his hair looking at his phone, I realized something.

I was slowly falling for him.

Don't worry Henley fans, he will be in the next chapter!

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