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"Mrs. Hastings, your test results are back. When's the soonest you could come down the the office so we can discuss them?" The doctor asked as I answered the phone.

"I have to come to town anyway today. I could be there in thirty minutes." I said tying my shoe and fastening my boot.

"Sounds great. See you then." He said and then hung up the phone. I slid on my jacket and grabbed my keys. I'm so glad that I didn't break my right foot because then I wouldn't be able to drive myself around.

Hopefully they will take this cast off my foot today. I know it's only been two weeks, but it doesn't feel broke anymore.

I'm also looking for a new job, probably at a store or coffee shop. Just somewhere safer.


"Come in, have a seat." Dr. Manuelo said. I sat down and crossed my right leg over my left.

"So the STD tests came back negative. Which is a good thing," he said, causing me to sigh in relief, "but there is one test we need to do again. The results were a little hazy." I nodded slightly confused.


I sat on the porch watching the rain as it fell. The little swing was swaying ever so slightly as the wind blew. The blanket draped across my legs was the only sense of security I had at the moment. I had the most important decision of my life to make within the next few months, I figured watching the rain may help. I heard the door open and close and saw Shawn's mom coming towards me with two cups of either tea or hot chocolate. I moved my feet so she could sit on the other side of the porch swing. I took the cup, which turned out to be tea, from her and slowly took a sip of it.

"What's on your mind?" She asked settling into the cushions of the swing.

"Just something I found out at the doctor today. I've got a pretty big decision to make." I said taking a sip of my tea.

She looked at me for a few seconds before realization of what I was implying ran across her face. She smiled sadly before she spoke.

"I know it's not my place to say anything, but your not considering to terminate are you?" She asked and I quickly shook my head no.

"I know it's not the best circumstances, but I could never go through with it. I couldn't live with myself if I did."

"So you have to choose between keeping it or putting it up for adoption?" I nodded as she spoke. "Just know, that whatever you choose, we're here to help you through the whole journey. If you do decide to keep we'll have the basement finished so you can have a little more space for baby stuff." I took in what she was saying and smiled. She got and said she was going to start supper.

The sounds of the rain hitting the ten roofing over the porch slowly lulled me to sleep.


When I woke up, I was in my room. I slid on my house slippers (well just one of them), as the floor was cold, and I made my way out to where everyone else was. Karen was in the kitchen cooking and Aaliyah was setting the table. I walked into the living room and saw Shawn watching Harry Potter. I sat down on the opposite end of the couch as him and tucked my one foot under me as I propped the other one up on the coffee table. He mumbled something acknowledging my presence and went back to watching the movie.

Everything else that night was pretty much uneventful. We are and then we parted our ways for the night.

I woke up around 1am, I couldn't sleep because of the nap I had taken earlier. I grabbed the flannel I put on the back post of my bed and slid it on over my tank top. I figured I would sit in the window in the living room and just think until I felt tired.

I came to a lot of conclusions that night. Some easier than others, but I feel like everything will work out when I need it to.

I finally felt tired again around four so I made my way back to my room to sleep until it was time to get ready for school.


Yay another update! Is anyone actually reading this? Let me know if you are, vote or comment or something. Thanks guys!


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