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Week six and five days

Saturday's are my favorite. I can lay in bed all day and take as many naps as I wish. It is currently 2pm and I've only
moved for the bathroom and food. I just went and got a bowl of popcorn and started The Fault In Out Stars. There was a knock on the door so I paused the movie and walked over to open.

"Hey Shawn." I said leaving against the door frame. He was wearing a pair of plaid pajama pants and a white teeshirt. He had his arms full of snacks.

"I smelled popcorn. Movie night?" He asked.

"Umm yeah I guess so." I said scratching the back of my head. I felt completely underdressed. I was wearing a white tank top and black polkadotted pajama shorts. He grinned before opening the door and walking in and jumping onto my bed.

"The Fault In Our Stars? Nice! But I get to pick the next movie." He said holding up the hand full of movies I didn't know he had. He pat the spot beside him on my bed and I walked over and hesitantly sat beside him.

"Brooke. I don't bite, you can come closer." He said grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him.

He balanced the bowl of popcorn between our legs and scattered the rest of the snacks around. He grabbed my remote and clicked play on the movie.

After we emptied the bowl of popcorn, Shawn laid it on the floor and pulled me closer to him. He kept his arms around my waist and I laid my head his chest. I felt my phone vibrate I under my leg so I picked it up and looked at. It was a text from an number I didn't know.

How's the baby?
Who is this?

They read the text but didn't reply for a while. Around the end of the movie I had another text.

Wouldn't you like to know? 😏
Piss off asshole!
Now is that anyway to talk to the father of your child?

I tensed up when I read the text.

"What's wrong?" Shawn asked, probably sensing that I tended. I unlocked my phone and showed him the message. His face went from relaxed to very tense and angry.

"I'm going to kill him." He said letting go of my waist and getting off the bed.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Kyle." He said walking out of my room and slamming the front door.

I grabbed my phone and called Henley.

"Hey, do you know where some kid named Kyle lives?"
"Uh the only Kyle I knows lives in the apartment a few down from mine. I think he goes to our school."
"Well, I think Shawn on his way to beat the life out of him."
"I'll explain later. I just need you too keep and eye out and make sure he doesn't do anything to irrational. I'll be there in a few minutes."
"Okay yeah, I'll keep and eye out for him."
"Thanks. You're the best!"

I hung up the phone and slid on a pair of shoes before grabbing my keys and running out of the house.

"Where's the fire?" Karen asked from the kitchen. I stopped and backed up to where she could see me.

"No time to talk, I'll explain later." I said before taking off to my car. I quickly started it and backed out of the drive way, making my way to Henley's house as quickly as I could legally go.


The damage was already done by the time I got where I needed to be. Henley had Shawn held back, keeping him from hitting Kyle any more. I parked my car on the side of the road and ran over to them. Why they were outside of the apartment building, I don't know. The cops had Kyle in hand cuffs and were loading him into the back of the car. I walked over to Shawn and Henley.

Shawn had a cut in his forehead and his lip was busted. He may face broken his nose but it was too hard to tell from all the blood. He was walking with a limp so me and Henley had to help him into my car. I buckled him in and noticed some blood soaking through his shirt.

I sighed and walked over to the other side of the car. I got in and started the car, heading off in the direction of the house.

I carefully helped Shawn out of the car and into the first floor bathroom.

"You don't have to do this." He said as I wiped the cut in his forehead clean. I didn't answer him. I placed some Neosporin on the gash before placing a bandaid over it.

"I don't know what came over me. One minute I was talking about having him confess to the cops, and the next minute I'm being held back by Henley." I ignored him once again. I tapped on his shoulder, signaling that I needed him to take his shirt off.

He got it about halfway before wincing and grabbing his shoulder. I sighed before helping him take it off. He had a few scrapes on his chest that I cleaned but didn't worry about putting bandaged on them. I glanced up in the mirror and saw what was causing him shoulder pain. He had a gash right under his shoulder blade, maybe from a class ring or pocket knife.

I went the clean it and Shawn winced, causing him to jump. I had to wrap an ace bandaged all the way around his upper torso because the gash was in an awkward place.

I washed my hands and began to clean up all the first aide stuff I had. I felt a hand on my face so I looked up at Shawn.

"Please say something." He bugged, his face falling.

"I-I don't know what to say." I said, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Then at least look at me." I moved my eyes to where they were staring straight into his.

"I'm sorry, but the asshole deserved it. I did this for you. I hear you mumbling in you sleep sometimes. You can sleep now that you know he's locked up. I hated seeing you like that, so I didn't something about it. Now you can ignore me all you want bu-" I don't know what I did what I did next. Maybe it was pregnancy hormones or maybe I was caught up in the moment. But I don't regret a single second of it.

I reached up and touched his face before slowly leaving in and kissing him, the faint metallic taste of the blood still lingering.

Why has this taken me forever to update?


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