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I knew from the smell alone that I had woken up in a hospital. I had been here multiple time before, thanks to my oh so great parents. I opened my eyes and saw two people. One of my best friend and one of a guy I had maybe one or two classes with.

"You're awake!" Henley said getting up from his chair and squatting down beside the hospital bed.

The mystery guy, Shane or something, popped his head up from where he had it resting between his arms on his knees. I tried to sit up in the bed, but my whole lower body immediately protested. I winced and laid back down. I reached for the bed control and decided to just use it to sit up.

There was a knock on the door and the doctor came.

"Mrs Hastings, I'm glad to see you awake. How are you feeling?" He asked checking the time and looking at something on his clipboard.

"Like I got ran over by a 16 wheeler." I said laughing, which cause my chest to hurt. The doctor smiled and walked over to check my monitor.

"Your blood pressure is still a little high, but that's to be expected. Your respirations are back to somewhat normal. We just need to get a blood sample and you'll be good to go home." He said writing more on the clipboard.

"Wh-why do you need blood sample?" I asked, looking at the blue ribbon he had begun to tie around my arm.

"It's just standard procedure in cases like these. Just to make sure you didn't catch any STD's." He said sticking the needle in my arm. I grit my teeth together as the needle pierced my skin.

He took the needle out and put a bandaid over the place where it was at. He capped it off and then looked at the Shane kid.

"The police are outside the room. They need to talk to you for the paperwork." He nodded and then got up from his seat and followed the doctor out of the room. Once they were out of the room I tuned to look at Henley.

"Who is that?"

"Who? Shawn? He's the one who found you and called the ambulance. He's been by your side the whole time you've been in here."

I mouthed oh to him and looked down at my hands, finding interest in the unmanicured nails.


"I've got it from here man, thanks for the ride." Henley said stepping out of the car and walking around to the back to help me out. My leg was broke, I wasn't paralyzed. I'm perfectly capable of walking into my apartment building and to the elevator myself.

"No offense man, but you have spaghetti arms. What if you drop her?" Shawn said, also getting out of the car.

"You don't even know her, why do you care?" Henley said. He did have a point.

"B-because reasons. Just let me help you help her." Shawn said, looking very flustered.


School the next couple of days was hell, much more than usual. The main office made me trade my crutches in for a wheelchair, much to my dismay. The highlight of my day was having Shawn, who is very attractive, drive me around and follow me to every class. Turns out that we have all but one class together. It's funny how you never notice anyone until they become a constant part of your life.

The whispers had changed. Everyone was talking about Shawn. Apparently he was a big shot around school. During free period I went to the library and looked him up on google.

A whole bunch of links to YouTube videos popped up. I grabbed my headphones out of my pocket and plugged them into the computer. I clicked on the first video, Life of the Party, and listened to it. Needles to say I spent the rest of my free period listening to all of his videos on YouTube.


"Are you ready to go?" Shawn said walking up to me in the hall after the last bell rang. I nodded as I shoved my last book in my locker. I had already turned in the wheelchair for today so I was back to my trust crutches.

We made our way out to his jeep and I hopped into the passenger seat before handing Shawn my crutches to put in the backseat.

"What'd you do during free period today? I was going to come look for you but I had to make up a quiz." Shawn asked backing out of his parking spot.

"Oh nothing really, I just went to the library." I said looking out the window.

"Sounds fun. Read anything interesting?" He said pulling out of the senior parking lot.

"Umm. I was just on the computer the whole time listening to music."

"My mom wants you to come over for supper, is that alright?" He asked, stoping at a red light.

"Yeah that's fine." He smiled and turned back around to the road.

I stared out the window for the rest of the 40 minute drive, slowly drifting to sleep.

I honestly love this story so much and it only has two chapters.


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