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Week six 

I woke up seven this morning. I couldn't sleep past that today. It's the first time I go to the baby doctor and I'm slightly scared. Karen is going with me because afterwards I'm going to get my cast taken off. I'm so glad to get rid of it, I'm not going to miss it one bit.

I've already cried once this morning because my pants wouldn't button and then when I laid down to try and button them that way, my hands slipped and I punched my self in the eye. It's been a pretty stressful morning. I had to settle for a pair of leggings and a lose grey teeshirt.

I walked down the hall and made my to the living room. I sat down in the recliner and tucked my one leg under me. I opened up my phone and continued to learn how to operate it.

Shawn's parents insisted on buying me a new one because I had dropped my old one and it shattered. I argued that they needed to stop spending their hard earned money on me but all they did was buy the most expensive phone in the store.

About half an hour later, Karen came downstairs to start on breakfast as she has done for the past six weeks. I got up from my seat on the chair and made my way to the kitchen to join her. I sat on my stool and continued to fiddle with my phone.

"What on earth happened to your eye?" Karen said grabbing my face and examining the forming black eye that I thought was covered with foundation.

"I punched myself trying to button my pants." I whined. She pulled me into a side hug and kissed the top of my head.

"When we get back, I'll show you a little trick so you can wear your jeans for at least another month and a half." She said smiling. I smiled back at her lightly.

As she started cooking, the putrid smell of the food made my head spin. I slowly stood up and backed out of the kitchen.

"I think I'll pass on the eggs." I said mfrom the doorway, pinching my nose closed. She nodded in response.


"Did you know the baby is the size of a sweet pea?" Aaliyah asked as we waited in the lobby of the OB-GYN.

"Are you sure I can't go do the bathroom?" I asked Karen, my leg slightly bouncing from the urge to pee.

"Sweetheart, they have to take a urine sample when you back there. If you pee now, we'll be here even longer." She said placing a hand on top of my knee to stop it from bouncing. I groaned and leaned my head on the back of the chair.

A few more minutes went by when I decided I was going to either die from my blades exploding or from the lack of entertainment the doctors office had. I started to hum to myself to fill the void. I got into the song and started the play the air drums while we waited. The lady a few seats down Karen tapped her on the shoulder and whispered in her ear. She laughed and agreed with whatever she said.

"What?" I asked, attempting to raise one eyebrow, and failing.

"She said she remembered how bored she got when she was pregnant, with a girl. And I agreed with her." I rolled my eyes at her and picked up a magazine.

"He's definitely a he." I said crossing my leg and turning the page.

"Whatever you say." She said looking back towards the strange lady.

"Mrs. Hastings." The nurse called from the door.

"Oh thank god!" I said standing up and walking towards the door, Aaliyah and Karen following behind.

Some words were exchanged, not that I paid attention, and then I finally got to empty my bladder.


I danced my way out of the second doctors office, quite literally. I spun and leaped until I was queasy. I'm finally free of that god awful cast. I continued to skip and leap until I stopped at the car door.

"Can we get doughnuts?" I asked opening the car door.

"Is that your final decision. You've changed it a few times already." Aaliyah said buckling up.

I sat there and pondered for a second before deciding.

"Yes it's my final decision." I said buckling up. The two of them chuckled at me before Karen cranked the car.

When we got home, I was completely full with roughly seven doughnuts. I mean it's nothing compared to normal, but still. It was the first time in two weeks that my tummy was happy.

Now I'm sitting on my bed while Karen goes through my closet to show me the jean trick.

She sat down beside me with all of the jeans I own and rubber bands.

"It's simple really. All you do is knot the rubber band into the button loop and when you go to put your pants on, you use the rubber band to button your pants into instead of the loop." She said looping the first rubber band. We spent the rest of the night fixing all of my pants and having her show me lots of more hacks.

It was a pretty good night.

Hope this is good.


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