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Week four

Saturday's are the best. Well they were the best, up until exactly four weeks ago. I walked out of my room in the sweatpants I slept in last night and a jacket I grabbed off the floor. My head was killing me, and I wasn't exactly sure if I could take any pain killers. I found Karen in the kitchen and like always I was the second one up. I sat on my stool and watched her as she cooked breakfast.

"Are there any pain killers I can take? My head is killing me." I said after she turned around and greeted me. She smiled lightly before reaching into the cabinet and grabbing a bottle of Tylenol. She handed me two and I took them with my apple juice.

"So I was thinking, maybe we could go to town later to get the stuff to finish the basement." She said after putting the bottle back in the cabinet. I froze for a second before I sat my glass back down and swallowed the juice I had in my mouth.

"H-how did you k-know? I m-mean I-I-"

"Relax. When you woke up the other night, I heard you talking to yourself." She said and I relaxed my shoulders. She smiled and looked at me expecting an answer.

"I guess that will be fine. But it's going to be a while before it can be decorated..." I said trailing off. She smirked before grabbing her phone and handing it to me.

"Not if we doing something like these." I scrolled through her phone and she had a whole nursery album. I looked at her like she was crazy.

"I'm sorry, it's been a while since there's been a baby around. I'm a little excited." She said taking her phone back. "But this one is my favorite. What do you think?"

I looked at the picture and it was a simple grey and blueish nursery with a black crib and very neutral colors. I really liked it.

"I love it." I said slightly smiling. She smiled back at me, taking her phone.

"Great! We'll go after breakfast." She said clapping once and then going back to cooking.

"Where are we going?" Shawn said walking into the kitchen. His hair was messed up and all he was wearing was sweatpants. Dear lord help me. I did everything I could to stop from staring. Damn hormones.

"Shopping." Karen said flipping a pancake.

"You have fun with that." He said doing something in his phone. His mom turned around and pointed her spatula at him.

"And you're going with us." He looked at her wide eyed and started to protest before she cut him off. "It wasn't a question." I laughed a little at the face he made.


"I think it was this one." Aaliyah said pointing to a greyish color paint. It looked too dark.

"That one's too dark. It was more like this one." I said picking up one of the sample cards. It looked pretty much like the picture. We all agreed on it and Karen and Aaliyah went off to give it to the mixer. I leaned up against the wall, feeling slightly light headed from standing for too long. My headache was still wearing off and the pain coming from my leg wasn't helping. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Shawn with a very concerned face.

"Are you okay? You look a little pale." I nodded, which only made me dizzier. "Okay you need to sit down. I'm going to get my mom." He made me sit on the little bench in the middle of the isle as he ran off to get his mom. I leaned forward on my knees and placed my head between them.

The room slowly stared to stop spinning. The ringing in my ears stopped and my stomach started to settle. I felt someone sit beside me and opened my eyes to see Karen's shoes.

"I'm fine." I said slightly out of breath. "This happens all the time." I said sitting up and looking at the three concerned faces looking at me.

"Do you, do you need anything?" Karen asked slightly confused. I'm assuming my face was the right color again.

"No I'm good. I have a problem about locking my knees when I stand for too long without moving." I stood back up. "Where to next." The all hesitated before walking along with me.


I was sitting on the couch watching Criminal Minds when Shawn came up behind me.

"You wanna go to the movies?" He asked leaning over the back of the couch and getting in my face. I jumped a little because he startled me.

"Um sure? What are we watching?" I asked.

"You'll see." He said walking around the other side of the couch, pulling me up and dragging me out the front door to his Jeep.

I rolled my eyes at his excitement and took my place in the passenger seat.

When we got to the theatre, he went and bought the tickets and wouldn't let me know what he got. I rolled my eyes at his goofiness and followed him inside.

"Do you want popcorn?" He asked getting in line for concessions.

"Yes...wait no I was sour patch kids... actually no....wait yeah sour patch kids." I said reading the board.

"How about we just get both." He said laughing. I nodded frantically before we stepped up to the counter.

We ordered our food and made our way to the designated theater. Shawn handed me the popcorn and drinks and covered my ears as he asked which theatre we were in. I swear this guy.

As other people started to move into the theatre, I realized that most of them were kids. I turned to look and Shawn and he was smirking.

"Why didn't you tell me we were coming to see this? I could've brought my crow-" I cut my sentence off before I sounded like too much of a dork.

"Do you have a crown?" He asked leaning over and whispering in my ear.

"Psg. Wha? Me? No. Why would I have a-" I said trying to lie but the look on his face broke me. " fiiiine. I have one, but don't tell anybody."

We talked a little while longer before the movie started and to be honest, it was the best time I've had in a while.


Did any one else go see beauty and the beast? Did you love it?


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