**BACKGROUND INFO** (skip if you want)

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**You can skip this background information, but some chapters may not make sense to you.**
Brandi here Status' gf, anyways Status told me not to post background information but guess what, i like being boring so here it is:


Take your picture of society out of your head and picture the year 2054:

No, we are not driving around in flying cars and we havn't moved to mars, but their are many changes we have made to lead us forward to the modern day.

*We have won in the battle over climate change if you're wondering, although 'Japan' no longer exists, (well it does, but it was bombed with radioactivity so we took it off the map)

*The death penalty, is still around today - but consists of more brutal tactics.

*There has been a WW3 (2022-38) hence the nuclear bomb.

*Due to the surplus population, every person on earth has only the right to have one child, anymore than that - then their first child is put to sleep.

*When your rights are taken away from you, it's normally because you've done something bad and are most likely in prison, no rights - equal no children.

*Prisons are massive, they're cuboid in shape, the ground floor (the yard) is the place where prisoners can exercise and burn off energy, they normally burn this off on each other.
All the other 55 floors above the yard are hundreds cells ranging in different sizes, normally the toughest of the prisoners claim the bigger cells for themselves and as there are no guards, many fights occur to see who deserves that cell.
Did i forget to mention... prisons are now mixed sex.

Why am i going on about prisons you ask? well we'll find out....

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