:|Chapter 1|: Akari's POV

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Almost 16 years later…


I groaned as I heard the sound of my alarm clock go off. I then hear pounding on my door and curse, knowing that I would definitely not want my foster mum to come in here. Yeah, I guess you heard right. I had been adopted and never knew my parents. The only thing I had known since I was adopted was that my name was Akari. Sometimes I would dream of my name being shouted out by what I would know to be my real mother’s voice. But I knew that must be impossible to remember something like that as a baby. I slowly get up from my bed and go to take a shower.

Once out of the shower, I wrap a towel around myself and then go to my closet. I decide to wear something not too flashy today; I always seem to change my style every day, I’m not entirely sure why though. I shrugged and then pulled on a batman t-shirt and some jeans, while throwing on my blue converse shoes. Looking in the mirror, I stared at my odd features. The girl staring back at me had long electric blue hair that flowed down to my waist, ivory skin that looked soft to the touch, and bright indigo eyes with a tint of sky blue. The girl seemed otherworldly, yet beautiful in a unique sense. I rolled my eyes, and then heard the sound of my foster mom yelling for me to hurry up. I hurriedly grabbed my bag and then headed downstairs to eat breakfast.

Looking at the clock, it was almost time for my morning lessons to start in Mythology Studies. For some reason I had always been interested in myths that seemed to tell unreal stories, but seemed as though some part of it was part of my past. It was 2 days until my 16th birthday and I have been having a lot of weird dreams lately that have starred a specific myth story that I had been drawn to the most. I shrugged it off and then headed out the door, running all the way to my studies. I was about 2 minutes late, but lucky for me… the teacher chose today to be late to class.

When I walked in, I immediately spotted Chris, my best-friend sitting towards the back of the room. I smiled at him and he waved me over. Making my way over to him, we began talking about random things until Mr. Harris came into the room. Everything became quiet as we dove into studying one of my favorite myths. It was about a mythological kingdom in a different dimension that was believed to have a missing princess. It told a story of a war going on between this unknown race as well as the demons from the underworld. It was an interesting story really, but somehow it seemed so familiar to me. I shook my head from these thoughts and paid more attention to the teacher.

When class ended for the day, I walked with Chris to his locker. It wasn’t really a normal school that we went to. This school only had one class a day that we students would attend, but that one class was 4 hours long. Usually I only liked Wednesdays and Fridays because those were the 2 days that the only class I would take is Mythology Studies. We didn’t really have a lunch time now that I think about it, we had one break in the class and that break would last about 30 minutes and in that amount of time the students were allowed to leave the school to eat and do whatever.

I smiled at Chris when I noticed that he was having trouble opening his locker again; this seemed to happen every day. He huffed in frustration and I chuckled at him. He looked up at me in exasperation and I knew that he wanted me to work my magic and open his locker. I rolled my eyes at him and then went ahead and opened it.

“I don’t understand how you can never open your locker Chris.” I said in a teasing manner, he huffed in response, probably having his male pride hurt because a ‘girl’ had to open his locker for him every day. He put his belongings up and then we headed out. “So what did you wanna do today? Because I don’t really feel like hearing my foster ‘rents’ complain to me about stuff that don’t really matter.” I said. He chuckled a little at that, his depressed state lightening. We didn’t really hang out with anyone really because they all thought we were pretty bizarre. I would understand why they would think I was, due to the fact that most of my qualities weren’t normal whatsoever; such as my hair and eyes; but I didn’t really get why they thought that Chris was weird… he seemed pretty normal to me.

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