:|Chapter 7|: Akari's POV

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After leaving the room, I decided that it was time to plan on where we were headed. I cooled off a little from what had just happened and then walked back into the room.

“Ahnyx…” I said as I had this morning. He looked up in my direction and smiled crookedly at me, giving him some boyish features. Shaking those thoughts from my mind, I walked over to him. “So you still have no idea where we’re headed then?” He thought it over for a moment before shaking his head.

“What about you?” He asked curiously. I sighed in frustration because neither of us even knew where the hell we are right now.

“Not really, plus… I’m not even sure where we are.” I said this sheepishly and was rewarded with a husky chuckle that slipped from between Ahnyx’s lips. I rolled my eyes at his chuckle playfully and then went to take a seat next to him on the bed. “So, it seems that we have a lot of traveling ahead of us.” I commented, watching as he nodded slowly in reply.

Noticing a little tingling from my head, I knew what was about to happen, and I couldn’t allow Ahnyx to realize my ability and think of me as a freak. I needed adventure and he was the key to it, I refused to lose him right now. I abruptly stood up, headache coming on full-force now. My eyes were starting to go unfocused as well and I stumbled in my rush to get away. Before I could feel my body connect with the floor, two strong arms wrapped around my torso. I sighed in relief, but then I remembered what was happening and I struggled out of Ahnyx’s hold with a soft ‘thanks’ in response to him saving me. I was out the room before he could say a word and in the restroom locking the door.

When the door locked, I collapsed onto the floor as the headache grew. I bit my lip to stop the whimper of pain that threatened to escape; I couldn’t allow Ahnyx to know anything was really wrong. I tried to slow my breathing and allow the vision to pass, but I was too tense to do so. I focused on my breathing and began to count in my head for a while, until I could tell that I was calm enough for the vision to come.

It came in a flash, images of Ahnyx and I playing behind my lids. It was of us running towards this giant black vortex opening from the sky, our eyes sealed shut. We turned to each other, our eyes saying goodbye before we leapt into the sky. Then it flashed to more pictures, of this place that I had seen multiple times in my dreams. It came into view and somehow I knew that it was where I belonged. Before I could see much of anything else, I was gasping for breath and pulled back into reality.

Panting on the tiled floor of the bathroom, I took in gulps of air to calm my beating heart, and then stood on shaky legs. I looked into the mirror to see that my eyes were wild, wide with adrenaline. My hair seemed to be wild as well, but it sort of looked cute in a way; beads of sweat also seemed to be visible on my face. I splashed water onto it, clearing away the sweat and washing away the flushed skin as well. I deemed myself a little more ready to enter the room again in that moment, knowing that if I didn’t, that Ahnyx would assume that the worst had happened.

Walking into the room, I made myself seem nonchalant on the outside, but my mind was still reeling with the thoughts of the new vision I had received. What had it meant? Was that really going to be the future now? So in the end, I would return to this place that felt like home and would be forever separated from Ahnyx? Well, does that mean that there is something different about him as well, since he had leapt into the gaping hole in the sky as well?

All these questions, but no one to answer them. I guess I’ll have to find out for myself then. That was when I noticed that Ahnyx was pacing on the other side of the room, deep in thought. I wonder what he could be thinking about…? Sighing, I knew that I had to make my presence known now.

“Ahnyx…?” His head snapped up in my direction the moment my voice cut through the air. I smiled slightly, trying to reassure him that I am fine. He rushed over to me anyway.

“What the hell happened back there? You just up and left, almost hurting yourself in the process.” I gulped, trying to think of a lie to tell him.

“I-I… I’m not sure; I just had a headache is all.” It wasn’t all a lie actually, because I did have a headache. He looked at me, not believing a word I said, but then he decided not to push it, which I was grateful for. Swallowing once more, I walked over towards the bed. Ahnyx stood where he was when he came towards me, looking lost in thought once more. “I think that we should probably go ahead and get some resources for our trip.” I said, breaking the silent one more. He slowly looked towards me then, looking like he really wanted to figure me out, which made me in turn look away from his gaze.

“Yeah, I guess that would be helpful. I’ll go ahead and get ready then. See you in a few.” He said this, walking out of the room, but to me it seemed like he was about to go do something else, because he seemed to be in a rush to leave the room like I had earlier, except he tried to hide it better than I had. Curious as to what he was about to do, I snuck towards the door. That was when I heard his phone go off. I hadn’t even known he had one. Looking towards it, the ID name said ‘Ryan’. Curious as to whom this person was, I answered the phone.

“Hello?” I asked hesitantly. There was a pause on the phone, before I heard a curse.

“Who is this?” The guy asked harshly. I was taken aback by the sudden vicious tone, but pulled myself together.

“Ahnyx’s friend. I can take a message for him though.” I decided that I wouldn’t give out much information to a stranger.

“Where is the imbecile?!” He replied callously, venom dripping from each syllable. I gulped, trying to gain my wit back and figure out more about this mysterious person that I barely knew.

“I’m not quite sure, but if you leave a message I’ll be sure to tell him when I see him.” I replied back, hoping that I sounded nonchalant. I heard a frustrated sigh come from him then.

“Look, what we have to speak about is none of your concern; just put him on the phone.” He sounded a little drained, making me surprised at what could be so important that he had to speak to Ahnyx so urgently.

“We share everything together; he wouldn’t mind me knowing about what you want to tell him.” I had to add a little fib in there, because I knew that I wouldn’t find out more information if I hadn’t said anything to put it in motion. There was silence on the other line then. I almost assumed that the guy had hung up before his voice echoed through the phone.

“That can’t be possible. He was under strict orders not to speak of our organization.” He said, sounding as if he wasn’t buying into my scheme. I cursed silently in my head, wondering what I could say to that. I looked towards the door, wondering when Ahnyx would walk in.

“He has spoken some about this specific organization. He had told me that he wasn’t allowed to do so, but in the end, he had confessed to some of the assignments he had to undergo. It sounded almost as if he were trained to be some assassin.” I said this nervously, hoping that I hadn’t screwed it up by talking about assassins. I mean, it usually worked on the movies when people did that. There was once again silence on the other line.

“Tell him that his ninja organization is after him. He is now to be murdered due to him speaking of our organization so lightly with some civilian that we have heard none about. He will regret this.” The line then went dead, leaving me in wonder as to what the hell he was talking about. Just when I put the phone done and prepared to walk over to the door, it swung open to reveal a pissed off Ahnyx. Shit!

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