:|Chapter 5|: Akari's POV

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He rushed to get into my car, making me amused by his enthusiasm to leave with a complete stranger.  I stopped myself from rolling my eyes a second time at his actions and then concentrated on leaving. I was pondering on where exactly Ahnyx wanted to go in the first place. While I pondered this for the moment, I felt a gaze penetrating through my head. Turning towards where I felt the pressure, I saw him looking at me; studying me as if trying to find my flaws. To stop him from invading my personal space and actually finding my flaws, I spoke.

“Where exactly are we going? Because you never really told me.” From my peripheral vision I saw a small smile come across his lips before disappearing and looking towards me with a look of guilt. Then his soft, melodic voice began to speak, enchanting me completely.

“Not exactly sure; I was just… following my gut I guess.” I chuckled at that, knowing that he was under the same gut feeling as me today. I decided to respond to what he had said, adding in my amusement at this situation.

“Ha, so you too huh?” He looked at me in befuddlement at first, leading me to add on “I was just following my gut as well actually, I just couldn’t stay where I had been staying, I guess.” I turned my face slightly to the side when I spoke this, cursing myself for speaking that part out loud. He seemed to be wondering why I wasn’t facing towards him like I was a moment ago, but after a moment he spoke.

“Yeah, I guess so.” It was silent after he spoke. I knew that there was nothing really to say to that, so I just allowed us to trail into a comfortable silence. Hearing a small sigh coming from Ahnyx, I turned to see what the problem was; only to find that this beautiful boy sitting beside me, had already been pulled into slumber’s grasp. Smiling slightly at how he seemed so child-like in that moment, I decided to speed up just a little bit. My gut seemed to like the idea of going on an adventure with this mysterious boy for some reason.

After about 2 or 3 hours more of driving, twilight had begun to fall. Looking at the clock I knew I needed rest and that it wouldn’t help either of us if I drove off the rode in tiredness. Sighing a little to myself, I pulled into the closest hotel to us. I checked us in, only getting one room for us to share and then decided to wake him up.

“Ahnyx…” I whispered, shaking him slightly. He mumbled something in his sleep and then went back to being silent. I huffed in frustration and shook him harder. He swatted away my hand, still unable to fight his sleep. Sighing once again… I decided that I would have to drag him or something. I got one of the carts used to hold suitcase and shifted him onto it.

He was lighter than I thought. I smiled to myself at the thought and then took a deep breath before pushing the cart and taking it into the elevator. We arrived in room 213 in less than 5 minutes after that and I rolled the cart into the room, hauling him onto the single bed. I rolled my eyes, knowing that he was acting like such a boy at this moment. I smiled, knowing that technically, it’s not only a boy thing because I do it as well.

I then headed back down the elevator to return the cart.

When I made it back into the room, Ahnyx wasn’t in the bed. I looked around in a panic, wondering where the hell he’d run off to. At that moment, I seemed to take in the sound of the shower running. I didn’t get him really. How would he just automatically go to take a shower after waking up in some random hotel, not knowing where I was? I shook my head at that and then hurried up to change before he came out. I wore a white tank with a duck on it, as well as my ducky shorts that went along with it. When I finished changing, I heard the shower cut off.

In a few moments, out came Ahnyx. Only, he was nude from his waist up. He seemed to only be wearing boxers. Forcing myself to keep the blush down, as well as to not look at his yummy body, I turned around to busy myself with setting up the bed.

“Sorry, I didn’t really think we’d really need 2 beds… I hadn’t thought it through. I’ll just sleep on the couch over there.” I said, motioning towards the small couch by the window. He scoffed at me and looked at me skeptically.

“Isn’t it supposed to be that the guy sleeps on the couch and the girl sleeps on the bed?” He seemed to be amused by my words. I rolled my eyes and then headed towards the couch.

“I’m fine. You should have the bed because the couch is small.” I said, although I really wanted the bed. He stared at me for a moment, his eyes narrowing as he thought. I ignored his expression and then turned towards where the couch was and continued walking towards it. Catching me completely off guard, I was now face-down on the ground. Confused by how this happened, I tried to stand up; only to feel a heavy weight holding me down. I realized what happened and huffed in frustration. “Get off!” I said in annoyance.

I felt the vibration of his chest on my back as he chuckled at me. I decided to squirm my way out, but it didn’t seem to be working as he tightened his hold on me, still chuckling for no damn reason. When the vibrations stopped, it took him a moment to speak, as I lie there scowling.

“You’re cute; but seriously… I’m fine with taking the couch.” I huffed again and tried to push myself up. He just sat there, most likely waiting for me to reply, or argue back.

“I don’t get why you just don’t sleep on the bed! Why can’t you be normal and be grateful for being allowed to take the bed?!” I had now given up on trying to escape from under him and was now just lying on the ground, waiting for him to move his fat butt off me.

“It’s either you sleep on the bed, or we both sleep on the bed, Princess.” He seemed to be jesting about it, but it seemed quite logical to me.

“Sure, now get your fat arse off me.” I mumbled. He was quiet for a moment before he voiced what he had been pondering.

“Sure about what exactly?” He asked, full of confusion. I huffed and began speaking to him as if he were a child and couldn’t comprehend big words.

“Both of us can sleep on the bed, since you no like listen to me.” He stared at me for a moment, his expression a mix between amusement and confusion. I would have laughed if I hadn’t remembered in that moment that he was still holding me down with his weight. “Oh, and get off of me you big baboon.” I mumbled, causing a chuckled to escape his lips.

“I was just joking about before.” He stated, as if it weren’t obvious that he had been joking.

“I know, but it seemed to make the most sense to me instead of arguing over it.” He rolled his eyes at me and I had to bite my tongue to keep myself from snapping at him. He finally decided to grace me with oxygen and allowed me to get up. I huffed once I stood and then I went over to the bed. I looked at it for a moment before deciding to get changed. We had some planning to do, because I didn’t really want to just joyride all over the place; although it did seem to appeal to me.

I was broken from my train of thought when I felt eyes burning a hole through my head. I turned to see Ahnyx studying me once more. He didn’t seem to know that I had caught him staring; unless he did and just didn’t care that I had caught him staring? When he finally did, he didn’t seem too surprised that I was staring back at him in wonder. He pointed at where my shirt was and I looked down to see that I had been about to change in front of him.

I cursed myself for not paying attention and thanked God that I hadn’t made much progress. I could feel my face heating up in embarrassment and then I got my sleeping clothes and rushed out of the room to change in the washroom.

Hopefully there will be no more incidences like that. But for some reason, I felt as if having him in my life will be all too interesting. Maybe even known to be exhilarating. I guess I had to wait to figure out. Though, I wouldn’t have guessed in a million years what was about to happen. 

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