:|Chapter 12|: Ahnyx's POV

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I saw a flash of emotion erupt on her beautiful face. What could she possibly be seeing? It seemed as if she were having another vision. Her eyes began to look confused before she suddenly gasped and was brought back to reality. I thought she would tell me, but she seemed to be lost in thought. I picked up the speed, knowing that something was wrong and we might as well hurry up and get to the portals. She looked the other way and I saw as her breathing began to even out; she was asleep.

I took in her peaceful face and watched as multiple expressions crossed her porcelain face; I just wished that we had more time together. The thought of parting from her just seemed too unreal at this moment. I just… I didn’t want to leave her now that I have found someone who I could actually feel for. It was all surreal at this very moment because I couldn’t really understand why I had developed feelings for her so quickly.

I couldn’t even understand what was going on in my mind at this very moment. I wanted to rush to the portals, but I didn’t want to let her go in the end. I pondered all of this as we drew closer and closer to our destinations. I also pondered on what the hell that thing was that had attacked us earlier. She had said she had seen one in her vision… but why was it attacking us?

I had so many questions to ask her, but I knew that she most likely new almost as much as I, if not a little more about our situation. She probably didn’t even understand most of her visions to begin with. I know I’ve had some weird dreams with green scaly lizard-like monsters, but I had never seen that red beast before. Was it may be one of the beasts from her dimension? As I thought of this, I pondered on what her dimension could be like; I compared what I knew of mine… to what I would imagine hers to be like. It just seemed to be opposites to be honest.

After a while, the sun began to rise and I looked over to see that Akari was now stirring. Her beautiful long blue hair cascaded down in a waterfall as she shifted her position. I was too caught up in her magnificence that I hadn’t even noticed that her beautiful eyes were now staring at me. When I finally realized that I had been caught ogling, I turned away. I couldn’t hide the blush that was surly beginning to glow upon my face unfortunately though. I heard a soft chuckle leave her lips; it was as if she thought that I had done something ‘cute’. I rolled my eyes, trying to keep what little dignity I had left.

“You’re finally awake. So, are you going to tell me about the vision?” I greeted, accidentally blurting out what I had been thinking a moment before. Her eyes widened in shock, most likely wondering how I knew about her vision. I smiled sheepishly, scolding myself for being so straightforward with my words. My mouth just seemed as if it didn’t have a filter most of the time. She cleared her throat, recovering from her shock before speaking.

“You’re very observant, Ahnyx. Well, it was actually an unusual vision. It was as if I were getting flashes of the vision. It was also quite unusual that I had a vision after having another not too long ago; it usually only happens every once in a while when something shifts in my future. Well, in the vision I saw what seemed to be a war. It was a war between my dimension and another, I’m assuming. You know the beast we had run from before?” I nodded slightly, remembering it almost immediately and then connecting it to what she had said about it before when she’d had a dream about them. They had been from her dimension then. She continued. “Well, they were fighting in the war. I know it’s pretty hard to take in… but my parents are basically the rulers of my dimension and so they were giving the orders of attack. The red beasts were fighting these other beasts; but the beast they were up against were green and scaly… like a lizard almost.” I completely froze when she said this, a memory of the beast guardians in my dream resurfacing in my mind.

She seemed to notice my body tense and looked at me in concern. I waved her off, saying that I was fine. She smiled hesitantly before deciding to pick up where she had left off at. “Well, I saw the two beasts fighting, but when I saw myself…” She trailed off… as if she couldn’t think of how to describe it. “I looked to be dazed, I guess you could say. I had this confused look on my face and I seemed to be looking in the direction of the enemy. I tried to see what I had been so focused on, but before I could do so, I was ripped from the vision violently. I have no idea what it was trying to tell me, or what I’m supposed to do with this vision when it is as vague as fog.” She seemed to be lost in thought after her words and I drifted off into my own internal thoughts.

I pondered on why I hadn’t told her that I knew what the green beasts were. I just couldn’t wrap my head around it because it seemed a little off. How could her beasts be fighting my beasts? Maybe there was some other beast in a different dimension that looked just like it. With that thought in mind, I forced myself to push the other thoughts of doubt to the back of my mind. I couldn’t dare think that our dimensions were at war with each other. I couldn’t even bear to fight with Akari; let alone be at war. Some part of me kept pulling me towards those thoughts; telling me to not trust her, but I knew that she didn’t even know what was going on in her dimension at this very moment.

Taking deep breaths, I focused my attention back onto the blue haired beauty beside me. There was a crease in between her eyes as she was still deep in thought. I studied her features, noticing that she somehow looked too goddess-like to belong on this dimension; the same dimension where mortals dwelled. I would have to say that her beauty was too surreal for this world.

Her eyes suddenly looked up into my own and we seemed to be pulled into our own little world in that moment. Everything about returning back to the place had left my mind in that moment. Just when the moment started though, I was roughly pulled out of it by the sound of honking coming from behind me. I cursed, remembering in that moment that I had been driving this whole time and I hadn’t been paying much attention.

I saw a hint of a smile curl onto Akari’s lips and smiled in return because of how natural it looked. Her eyes twinkled as she stared at me, but I refused to look her way. I couldn’t keep only paying attention to her, because that would most likely get the both of us injured in the end. The sky was beginning to darken, telling me that I had been up for almost 24 hours now. With that thought, exhaustion seemed to ram into me head first. I bit my lip to keep myself from falling asleep; I needed to stay focused so we could go ahead and head back to our real homes.

Suddenly, Akari tensed up and looked out the window. I heard a faint curse leave her mouth just before I heard the screams of terror. I looked out of the side mirror and saw a big scaly green creature slithering its way towards us. I cursed at this as well, knowing immediately what it was. Akari hadn’t screamed yet, but by her tense position, I could tell she wanted to get as far away as possible. It sort of made me wonder why these creatures had left our home dimensions to chase after us. Was it to bring us home safely, or to be punished for having vanished and appearing upon the dimension of mortals?

Just as I thought that, I saw green flying towards us and I sped up, but it was inevitable that it would surly hit. And hit it did.

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