:|Chapter 13|: Akari's POV

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I had just been pondering the little moment that I had just had with Ahnyx when I noticed something amiss in my peripheral vision. Reluctantly, I removed my eyes from Ahnyx and towards the front. At first I thought what I was seeing was part of my imagination, since Ahnyx hadn’t reacted to it yet. Turning my gaze slightly back towards Ahnyx, I noticed that he was lost in thought once more. I looked back when I heard some commotion going on outside.

That was the moment that I realized that the creature from my vision was really here. My pulse began to speed up at the sight of it. Was it here to take me away? I shook my head at the thought, knowing that it couldn’t possibly be able to take me away at this very moment… due to the fact that my vision would have alerted me if something this horrid were to happen to me. I gulped, trying to calm myself so that I didn’t look completely freaked out in front of Ahnyx.

Ahnyx must have heard the small curse that left my lips in that moment, because his eyes immediately connected with the green creature. His eyes widened as if he recognized the beast; but there was just no way he knows what that thing is! He would have mentioned it the moment that I told him about my vision! Knowing that thinking about Ahnyx’s views on the matter would put me in more despair, I blocked out those thoughts and thought of how we could get out of this place before it spotted us.

Ahnyx seemed to have snapped out of his daze then though, which brought me utter relief. I breathed a sigh that I had been holding in when he suddenly began to maneuver his way through the car effortlessly. Just as I thought that we would be able to bypass the monster, it spotted us leaving. It roars a screeching sound, making my ears ring and then it began to scurry towards us. My heart sped up once more and I looked at Ahnyx in my panic. He seemed to be a lot more in control than I had thought. He seemed to be ignoring the beast and just speeding away as if this were some normal occasion.

The scaly creature slithered into our path then and I could have sworn that my heart stopped. I had to get a hold on my emotions though, because I knew that they were too out of control. They hadn’t even been this out of control when I had first lain eyes on the red creature that had come from my own dimension. I bit my lip and waited from my pulse to slow down, clearing my mind of all thoughts. I then turned my attention to Ahnyx to see that we were already out of the traffic jam back there and were speeding towards the portals.

My heart skipped a beat when I realized that not too long from now, Ahnyx and I will most likely never see each other after this. I swallowed, taking in Ahnyx and how his expression seemed to be nonchalant. Maybe he was happy that he wouldn’t be stuck with some crazy seer. At that thought I felt a small pang in my chest. Out of impulse, my hand moved and gasped his in it. I froze, as did he. We sat there for a moment and I thought myself to be some kind of idiot for what I had just done. Just as I was about to pull my hand away from his and apologize though, his hand tightened around my own. I was shocked with the motion and turned to look at him.

Ahnyx seemed to be avoiding my gaze though, his cheeks beginning to turn an adorable shade of pink. I couldn’t help but to let out a small giggle at the look he had on his face. That seemed to break his façade of avoiding eye contact though, because his eyes immediately shot to mine. He stuck out his tongue when he caught sight of my chuckling, before he decided to pout. I smiled once more, giving his hand one last squeeze before I took notice of his eyes beginning to droop just a smidge. Sighing, I knew that it was my turn to drive.

Leaning over so that I could whisper it into his ear, I noticed that his ears began to heat up as I got closer. I chuckled slightly on accident then, which resulted in a shiver from him. His hands tightened on the steering wheel then. I bit my lip once more before speaking… or well, murmuring into his flushed ears.

“I believe it’s time for you to get your beauty sleep.” I could see him visibly gulp at my proximity, but somehow… I wasn’t as embarrassed as I would have been normally. Ahnyx then made a turn and stopped the car immediately. He pulled his hand from my own, sending a pang through me. I looked up to see if I could catch his eye, but he was refusing to meet my gaze once more. I sighed and just decided that maybe he didn’t feel anything just then and that maybe he was just uncomfortable with my closeness.

I began to get out the car, but that was when he decided to lock the doors. I turned to him in confusion, unsure as to what he was doing. His eyes were downcast though and I couldn't make out any expression on his face at that moment. I was about to touch his shoulder and ask if he was alright, but I thought better of it; he might just pull away again. I looked away instead, trying to get my emotions in check before turning back towards him.

“Akari…?” He asked hesitantly. I looked up at him to see that his eyes were a dark shade now… almost black. I gulped, unsure as to how to take in this change in his emotions. He seemed to be trying to control himself from something. What was he thinking about?

“Yeah?” I asked just above a whisper, as I noticed that he had moved closer to me. He seemed to be thinking of the right words to say in that moment and I watched him carefully, unsure as to what he was doing.

“We… well; we might not see each other after we arrive at the portal…” He started out, hesitating as he thought of what else to say to bring his words together. I waited patiently, interested in what he was about to say. He took in a deep breath before speaking once more. “I just wanted to… try something.” He seemed even more hesitant than before at this point. What could he possibly mean by that? I could tell that he was now shaking; anxiety radiating off him.

“Try something?” I asked, confused as to what he wanted to try. He didn’t speak though; he just turned to stare at me for a moment; as if he were studying my every reaction. I cocked my head to the side, all the more confused by his sudden actions. Before I could try and speak again though, he made his move. He began leaning in towards me and I knew immediately what he was about to do. My heart sped up and my breathing began a little irregular as he drew closer. I couldn’t control myself any longer and without my consent, my body closed the distance between the two of us.

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