:|Chapter 10|: Ahnyx's POV

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I watched as she began to babble, and couldn’t contain myself anymore; I pulled into a warm embrace, cutting her off mid-babble.

“At least you’re safe. Now, we just have to wait them out for a little while longer and then we’ll leave.” I said softly into her ear as I was still holding her to me. She had made me completely panic when she said that she ran into Ryan again; I thought she would be in trouble for sure! Hopefully he didn’t suspect anything from her, from her voice. I sighed after breathing in her sweet yet spicy scent; I had never smelled anything like it before. Noticing what I was doing, I cleared my throat and released her from my hold.

“Okay, so what do you wanna do while we wait?” She asked softly, not wanting to be heard by any passer-bys. I smiled at her thinking before thinking of what we could actually do to keep ourselves occupied. She suddenly gasped and I turned quickly towards her to see if she was alright. What I found made a chuckle escape my lips. She looked as if she thought of the perfect plan for us while we wait. I waited for her to stop reminiscing about the idea. She finally turned to me, her eyes shimmering in the dim lighting of the storage room. But then a frown spread across her lips. “I have absolutely no idea what we should do!” She whined suddenly. I chuckled once again at her actions.

“Maybe we could just think up a plan or something?” I asked hesitantly, unsure if she really wanted to do so. I waited for her response, but then she seemed to go into a trance and her eyes went blank. I began to panic, unsure what the hell was going on. I shook her, but she still remained in the same trance, unable to be broken from it. Shit! I tried thinking what I could do because I definitely didn’t want her dying on me at the moment!

As my mind ran in turmoil, I heard her softly gasp, and her eyes gained life once more. I breathed a sigh of relief. I was about to ask her what the hell happened, but she was giving me this weird look. I raised an eyebrow, unsure why she was looking at me in confusion and something else.

“What the hell just happened?! And why are you looking at me like that?” I finally exclaimed as quietly as I could in the storage room. Panic seemed to pass through her eyes, but then it was gone. She looked at me for a little longer before shaking her head and then trying to remember what I had just said.

“Oh, it was nothing; it seems to happen all the time. I hadn’t noticed I was giving you a certain look…” She trailed off, seeming to act as if she didn’t know what I was talking about. I almost allowed it to pass, but I knew she wasn’t telling me the whole truth with this whole ‘it was nothing; it seems to happen all the time’ bull crap.

“What do you mean it’s nothing?! You were talking and then you just completely stopped and stared into space with blank eyes. How can that not be anything?” I asked skeptically, though she looked as if she weren’t going to tell me.

“I’m entitled to keep this secret from you, just as you were to keep your secret about this so called ‘organization’. It was nothing, just take that and let’s move onto another subject.” She seemed to be begging me to let it go with her wide eyes. I looked away from her, not sure whether I should let it go or not. It seemed as if it were very important for me to know. Also, she finally figured out about the organization, she never even asked me to begin with, so maybe that was a little bit of both of our faults.

“Look, you never asked if I were in an organization when I first met you. I wasn’t just going to randomly tell some stranger without them even asking. It seems as if what just happened affects you and that in turn affects me. I just want to get to know you better Akari.” I stared at her with hopeful eyes, and she seemed to falter in giving me another excuse. She seemed to be having an internal war with herself.

“But… you wouldn’t understand. I doubt you’ll even believe me if I told you.” She murmured, making sure that she wouldn't meet my gaze. I huffed at this, but was glad that I made a little progress. I mean, it couldn’t have been as bad as she’s making it out to be.

“What makes you think I won’t believe you? Trust me; I think I’ve learned a lot in my past years in that organization.” She thought about it for another moment, unsure whether she should actually tell me or not. I hoped she would, because I felt as if it would bring us closer and for some reason, that appealed to me.

“W-well, I do that sometimes.” She started. “It happens when something had changed in my… future.” I looked at her in confusion when she looked up to finally meet my gaze. She shied away from my gaze once more before going into more depth. “Well, what I’m trying to say is that… I am able to see visions of my future.” She looked at the ground as if it were the most interesting thing as she said this. Maybe she was right to think that I wouldn’t believe her, but I still did in a way. My gut told me she wouldn’t lie to me about something like this. Before I could say anything though, she spoke. “That’s why I was running from my home. I saw a vision of myself…” She trailed off, unsure of how to tell the vision she saw. “But then it changed when I met you I guess. Now, it shows the both of us going to the same destination.”

I looked at her confusion, unsure of how she could have possibly known that I was being pulled to a place whether I wanted to go or not? She finally gathered enough strength to look me in the eyes once more. I stared at her, unsure of what all this meant.

“So you’re basically telling me that you saw that we had a future together?” I asked, unsure about whether that was what she was trying to tell me. Her eyes widened at my words and then a blush spread across her cheeks.

“I uh, not entirely… what do you mean by ‘have a future together’?” She asked, her voice stronger than before when she was unsure whether I’d take her seriously. I breathed in and out, thinking that I was such an idiot for asking a question like that.

“Uh… never mind, just go ahead and tell me what you saw.” I said, feeling my cheeks warm at the thought of us actually being together in the future. She smiled slightly at my embarrassment before speaking.

“Well, I saw that we were parting ways while heading up a hill. Apparently, there was something waiting for us there and we just knew what we had to do. Uh, then I saw this flash of light and…” She trailed off, blushing. “Well, I had previous dreams of my home place, but I never knew it existed. I had thought before that it was just my imagination since I was an orphan. But I guess it’s true. I saw that I was home again and knew that you would be heading home as well… I just didn’t know where your home would be.” It sort of made sense in a way actually, because I’ve also had dreams of my so called ‘home’.

“I… I’ve had dreams about mine as well. I thought it was just my imagination as well, because I too am an orphan.” Her eyes widened when she heard my confession. She smiled slightly, but there was still something wrong, and I was feeling a little let down too. We would soon be parting ways and may never see each other again. She began to talk once more.

“This might sound crazy, but it seemed as if my home was in… a different dimension, and that we were in that place to activate portals for ourselves. I just… I don’t get it truly myself.” She whispered to me, seeming to be breathless.

“Yeah, I never saw much of my home though, I just saw… I saw my ‘biological parents’. They uh, I guess you could say that they weren’t from around here either.” I smiled sheepishly, unsure if that’s what she had seen in her dreams. She smiled slightly, as if relieved by my words.

“Thank goodness, I thought my parents were the only scary looking monsters.” She joked, and I chuckled along with her as we waited for the time to pass so we could finally leave this hotel, and be on our way to the journey we now knew of.

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