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You and Shawn are college students in love... but nothing lasts forever.

C/N = College Name

Inspired by the song "Memories" by Shawn Mendes 

I'm awaken by the sound of footsteps. I open my eyes to see my lovely girlfriend Y/n.

"Where are you going? Come back to bed." I tell her yawning.

"Baby, I would, but I have to go to class, and so do you." She responds pulling the covers off of me.

"No. I don't want to get up." I smile burying my face in my pillow.

"Get up!" Y/n jumps on me and lands on my back.

As she is laughing I grab her by her thighs. I flip her over to get on top of her. Once she finishes laughing I place a kiss on her lips.

"Good morning, beautiful." I tell her softly.

"Good morning, My King." She responds.

I place another kiss on her soft gentle lips.

"Come on. Let's go. We have to get to C/N.

Finally I get out of bed, but only because of her. She so perfect. Her smile, her eyes, her laugh, her spirit gets me through the day. Today I'm going to ask her to marry me, after us being together for three years. I've never been so sure about something. I know that what Y/n and I have is something that will last forever. I love her and I want her everyday for the rest of my life.

"And the thought of us forever
Is one that won't ever go away."

I'm holding Y/n's hand as we walk onto campus. Our first class is one that we have together. Although first we usually sit down by a fountain and talk before class starts.

"Do you believe in a forever?" I ask her.

"What do you mean by a forever?" She questions.

"Like something actually lasting forever. There isn't an end, just infinity." I tell her.

"Well yeah. I guess its possible. I believe we have a forever." She smiles touching my hand.

"How come?" I ask. 

"Our love is everlasting. We could write a story about it. Make it memorable. Years from now people could know that we were here. Our love was special. Our love was different." She informs me.

"You really think that?" I add.

"Yes of course. You are my forever." Y/n kisses my hand.

"Let's write our story
And let's sing our song
Let's hang our pictures on the wall."

Right now we are making our way to our first class of the day. We have the same class because we want to major in the same thing.

I take my seat on the opposite side of the room, because we have assigned seats in this particular class. Soon after the Professor walks in and begins his lesson.

While we are taking notes I turn to Y/n and stare at her until she notice's me. She giggles and rolls her eyes looking away from me. I smile at her action and continue the notes.

Suddenly we hear screaming, and people running down the hallway. The Professor stops teaching to look outside the door. Then his eyes widen and shouts "Get down!"

After he says that we hear rapid gunfire streaming throughout the hallway.

By the time we get out of our chairs it was too late. A shooter enters the class and releases his ammunition upon us.

Shawn Mendes Interracial Imagines (ALL RACES)Where stories live. Discover now