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Hey, sorry its not a legit update but I do need you guys help. So I need to know what you guys want. I have some questions and if you really like what I write and want to help me out plz comment a response.

1.) Do you guys want me to keep the smut?

If so should it be a regular update or a private chapter and you have to follow me to see it. I'm asking this because I have some young readers and I want this to be available to everyone.

2.) How often do you guys want me to update?

I don't have a schedule for it, so since you guys are the ones who will be waiting. You can decide. But not like everyday, I have a life lol.

3.) What kind of things do you want me to write about or are you guys fine with me making it up? I don't ever have writers block so no worries lol. But I want to know what you guys want.

That's all for the questions and I just want to say thank you so much for all the love. Thanks for so many reads already! THANK YOU THANKS YOU THANK YOU!

See ya soon. My beautiful ones.

Shawn Mendes Interracial Imagines (ALL RACES)Where stories live. Discover now