I Know What You Did Last Summer

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Shawn's *POV*

I'm in my science Class waiting for my beautiful lab partner to get to class. My eyes haven't left the door. Every time someone walks in I hope it's her. I guess I could say we have a thing together, we kissed yesterday and it felt great. I do want to make it official soon though. I'd be happy to call her my girlfriend.

She still hasn't walked in yet and the bell rings. The teacher shuts the door and begins to do attendance.

I'm disappointed not to see her. She usually is always here. I pull out my phone so I can text her with my phone in my lap hiding it from the teacher.

Before I press send on my text, someone knocks at the door. I look up quickly to see if it's her. The teacher opens the door and let's in Y/n.

I almost smile when I see it's her.

"Any excuse to why you are late?" The teacher asks her.

"A personal issue, sorry." She answers going to her seat next to me.

Before I speak I just wanted to admire her. She looks great, as she does everyday.

"Hey." She says softly to me.

"Hi. How are you?" I ask her.

"I'm okay." She answers unsure.

"What's wrong? What happened?" I question worried.

"Well it's actually why I'm late today. I walked in on my Mom fucking some guy. It was so unexpected. She hasn't been with a guy since my Dad died. I don't know how to feel. Plus it was so gross. She drives me to school, and she forgot to drive me because she was so busy with her guest, so I just took a Lyft." She explains to me.

"Oh wow. I'm sorry. Did you at least talk to your Mom about it?" I question.

"No! I can't even look at her right now. I've seen too much. But she said we'll talk about it later." She tells me.

"Well good, and if it makes you feel better my Dad started dating too after he divorced my Mom." I tell her.

"Why did he divorce her? If you don't mind me asking." She asks me.

"She cheated on him...with the pool boy." I laugh a little.

"Why are you laughing?" She laughs with me.

"Because, I thought he was gay, and I'm pretty sure he hit on me once." I inform her.

We both laugh, but then the teacher stops us to say,
"Keep it down back there."

We both stop for awhile then continue our conversation.

"So what are you doing for the summer?" Y/n asks me.

"Oh I don't know. Probably just hang out with this really cute girl I know." I tell her.

"Oh lucky girl. Do I know her?" She flirts with me.

"Maybe. She's smart, sweet, cute, and has theses soft thick lips." I lick my lips remembering how her lips felt when we kissed yesterday.

"How soft?" She giggles and blushes.

"I suddenly can't seem to remember exactly, but I think I just need a little reminder." I say placing my hand on her cheek.

I kiss her lips again, not caring if anyone notices. I slowly rub my thumb against her cheek and taste her soft lips against mine.

We break our kiss and I open my eyes slowly.

"Mm. Incredibly soft. Did I mention she tastes so sweet?" I whisper with a smirk on my face.

Shawn Mendes Interracial Imagines (ALL RACES)Where stories live. Discover now