Immoral Thirst 👄 (Part 3)

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*Sexual Content*

Y/n's *POV*

Once Shawn leaves my house I lay on my bed to think. This is insane. My feelings, his feelings, what I am and what he is. Strangely I believed every word he told me. It all makes sense. What I saw, and what he told me connects. I really do like him though. He's the first man that ever made me feel things. Those things felt good. He knows just how to touch me.

Maybe because he's a sex demon and can somehow figure out what turns that woman on!

Maybe he tricked me and made me think we did things that felt good!

Maybe all the woman he slept with souls are now inside me eating away my soul!

Maybe he is trying to get my pregnant so I can have a demon baby, who destroys the world!!!

What if his dick is like insanely huge cause he's a demon and freaking kills me from the inside out!!!!

I'm going insane.

"Okay, Y/n. Calm down. Just calm down." I say to myself trying not to have a panic attack.

Let's look at the Pros and Cons of this:

Pro's :

* He's gorgeous

* Like REALLY gorgeous

* I do really like him

* He's the first man I've ever been with

* Based on what he told me, he's looking for something serious

* He's not like any other man

* This is a once in a lifetime experience

*Probably has a huge dick

Con's :

* He's a sex demon

* He kills woman

* He eats souls

* He's immortal

* He might be evil

* He's 27

* I'm a human


* His dick could maybe break me

* Could I go to hell for this?

I want to be with him but I don't know him. Maybe I need to get to know him a bit more before I make this decision. We just need to hang out more. Then I will make my decision.

Seriously could I go to hell for this?

I get out of my bed and proceed downstairs. I leave my house and march to his house and knock.

He opens the door and smiles when he sees me.

"I haven't made my decision yet but I need you to take me out on a few dates first. Let me get to know you first." I tell him.

"Okay, come on in." He says.

"Oh you mean right now?" I ask nervously.

"Yeah, come in. I'll take you out later." He pulls my arm into his house, so I walk in.

This is the first time I've ever been inside his house. He's really good at blending in to society as a human. I make my way to his couch, and find my seat.

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