"You're Not My Fucking Daddy...!"| Daddy's Little Girl Series (Part 3)

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Phangril1 wanted me to write imagines on a certain topic so here is the final part of this series! I hope everyone liked it! Thank you for all the love.

*** This series includes intense sexual content, violence, and coarse language. Read at own risk***


Y/n's *POV*

I'm shaking, I can't move, and I can't breathe. I think I'm having a panic attack. I see him walk back in with the knife still in his hand. He sits in front of me and I look up at him.

"I asked you for one thing. One thing. To be a good girl. Was that too hard to ask?" He states.

"I'm sorry Daddy, I-" I begin to apologize but he stops me.

"Don't. Just stop. You know that I'm going to have to punish you... But I just can't. I don't want to hurt you. I can't do it." He confess looking at the wound on my head.

"I'm sorry that I hurt you, please forgive me." He begs.

"I already have." I say moving closer to him lying.

He takes my hand and pulls my face into his. He kisses my lips and I kiss back faking it.

"You've got blood all over yourself, and I'm bloody as well. I think we need a shower." He smiles.

He takes the knife and slowly cuts my dress off of my body. I take off all my clothes and he does the same.

When I'm naked I notice he stares at me for a while. It's starting to make me feel uncomfortable.

"Daddy?" I call for his attention.

"I'm sorry I've just never seen such beauty before. Everything about you is perfectly joined together. Everything compliments each other. It's like you were made just for me." He tells me and I blush.

"No one's every told me that before." I say softly.

"Good. You're mine and I'm yours. You belong to no one else, Baby Girl." He responds and I look at his nude body.

I follow him to the bathroom and he turns the water on and steps in. I watch as the water slowly slides down his body. Might be crazy but he sure is sexy.

"You coming in?" He asks me.

I respond by stepping in the shower to join him.

Shawn's *POV*

She moves to the back of the shower, and I stand in front of her. The water is warm and feels good on my back. She pours shampoo in her hand and massages it into my hair. It's relaxing. I do the same for her and she smiles. We're washing each others hair and she looks adorable. After we wash our hair she washes the shampoo out of my hair closing my eyes.

Shawn Mendes Interracial Imagines (ALL RACES)Where stories live. Discover now