3- the other guy

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As I stare outside the window, I didn't notice that a guy was already standing beside me only until he pat my shoulder.


"Pardon?" he mimicks me. "You don't look like French though, are you?" He laughed a little. "There's no need to speak French with me, mon amour."

I just stared at him. The man was like 6-feet tall, slender, and from the looks of his face he's European. I'm just not sure if he's a local. But it clearly figures his blunt approach. Very fast. (A/N: this is just mere observation and i'm not generalizing since i have European friends and they're all like that lol)

What is he about?

He sat down on the chair in front of me while asking "May I sit down with you?"

Ugh. So much for asking permission.

He placed his hands on the table and drink his coffee. "So, you're a tourist?"

"Uhm, yes." I answered. But I think he's being rude for seating down when I didn't give him permission.

"But excuse me, don't you think it's rude to just simply sit there?" I looked around. "Look, we're only about 4 people here. There's so many vacant tables around, mister."

"I'm sorry," he chuckled. "I just can't help seeing a beautiful woman sitting here all by herself staring outside the rain. You looked... sad."

"What? I look sad?" I scowled.

"Yes, my dear." He held both of my hands that were on the table.

"Get off me!" I feel furious now.

First, he disturbed my "writer-routine" (you know, staring blankly while thinking of ideas to write). Second, he invaded my personal space and lastly, telling me I look sad. I don't like being told that I look sad! Because I'm not. I'm perfectly fine. Well, that's what I think.

"It's still not an excuse to sit down with me, sir." I tried to tone down my voice although I can't help feel annoyed.

"As you can see, I'm working on something here. So may I please have my own time now?"


I tried not to look at the man in front of me again. Instead, I continued enjoying my coffee. Although I can't help but be bothered by his movements; like he can't stay still.

Until he stood up and approached her.

Is it boring? Lol, I'll try to make it up to you in the next chapters. Please don't forget to vote and comment! Xx

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