16- together

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[ BGM: You're Beautiful- James Blunt ]

Finally. I'm gonna do something risky yet exciting and thrilling that I've never done before. An experience I'll never forget. And I'm doing it with a very funny and beautiful woman. Just my type.

I thought writers are boring, but no, she's one of a kind.

Upon picking our seats, I immediately checked our tickets.

| Paris Nord - Amsterdam |
| Departure Time 12:25 |
| Arrival Time 15:42 |

I smiled and looked at her beside me. She also smiled back.

Wow, this is real.


This is sooooo weird. I've never had the chance to do this kind of thing! It's like an escapade! Like a journey to the unknown with this stranger! But no, he's not a stranger to me anymore. He's Junmyeon. And he's my friend for today, my companion for this exciting trip.

I smiled back when he smiled at me. I looked outside as the train started to run.

{A/N: the train here in this pic isn't the high-speed train lol}

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{A/N: the train here in this pic isn't the high-speed train lol}

I feel butterflies on my stomach as I was so happy and excited as to what this day will bring.

"Are you okay?" Junmyeon asks.

"Yeah, of course I am! Who wouldn't? I'm so happy!" I exclaimed. "Thanks to you, Junmyeon."

"Thanks to you, Clarisse. I've never been out for quite a long time. I'm really happy too! And all the more because I'm with you."


I love it when she just smiles at everything I say and wasn't trying hard to impress me by responding just about anything like all other women I met before.

We started to talk about our lives again. Of course, I always skip the part where I'm a member of EXO, and that I am very famous in Asia. But I did tell her I have eleven brothers. {A/N: Yes, you read that right. "ELEVEN BROTHERS". #OT12 GUYSSS 😭}

"What about music? Do you like-"

"Like? Are you kidding me? I looove music! It's my passion, aside from writing! Ah, it brings me so much comfort everytime. It's also my escape. If you know what I mean."

"Wow, really? That's so good to hear! Music is also my passion too. I live for it. Without music, I don't know where I'll be right now. It brings me joy and comfort too. So yeah, I know what you mean. It's tiring sometimes, but it's all worth it in the end."

"Tiring? What's tiring?"

Oops. Concerts and tours, live shows, fan meetings, promotions, rehearsals, recordings...

"Uhm, life. Life itself. It's tiring. So it's relaxing to hear some music while taking a rest. You know?" I reasoned out. I also asked another random question so she won't dwell on it. "By the way, who's your favorite singer?"

"Oh, Ed Sheeran! I love him. His songs are perfect! He even makes his cover songs like his own. Don't you agree?"

"Yes! Ed Sheeran is a great singer! I also love his songs. They're always so romantic. I like that."

Then another random idea popped into me again.

"Clarisse, wait. Uhm, I need to go to the toilet. Can you excuse me?"

"Yeah, sure."

Inside the toilet, I googled ED SHEERAN CONCERT PARIS AMSTERDAM but I got no results.

I called my manager and asked him to research if there's an Ed Sheeran concert, or any other appearance he will make, in Paris, Amsterdam, London, or in any other European cities today or tomorrow. He asked why but I said I just want to watch. I also told him to reserve three tickets. He asked for who are those, and I answered for me, Sehun, and just an extra one.

He agrees and hangs up.

When I got back, lunch was already served on the table and Clarisse was waiting for me.

How I wish I can see this scene, with Clarisse smiling and waiting for me every noon of every day...

don't go | kim junmyeonWhere stories live. Discover now