23- stay with me

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[ BGM: Stay With Me- Chanyeol ft. Punch ]

A/N: Chanyeol's deep voice always gets me. UGH. Then add Punch's sweet, angelic voice. WOOH. Heaven! LOL



We stayed in the bar for almost one and a half hour telling each other stories, drinking, and enjoying each other's company.

The last time I felt so much happiness was way back when EXO was still complete with 12 members. But it all changed somehow as I also feel so grateful for today with Clarisse and Sehun.

Our driver was already waiting for us outside the bar when we got out.

It was time to go home.

I told the driver to drop Sehun first in our hotel. When we arrived there, I went down with Sehun for awhile leaving Clarisse inside the car.

"Sehun-ah, I need one last favor."

"What is it, hyung?

"Can you go directly inside your room?"

"Of course, pabo. Where will I go? Wait, how about you? Aren't you coming in yet? Are you not inviting Clarisse noona inside to stay?"

"I need to drop her off in her house, Sehun."

"Ah, so why are you telling me to go straight in my room?"

"Sehun-ah, I need you to turn off your phone, so our managers won't be able to call you. Just go to sleep right away. Okay?"

"I don't get it. Why are you acting this way, hyung? What are you doing?"

"I don't know. I don't know. But just in case I won't be in my hotel room after an hour, it means I'm still with her. And please don't tell them. Just... I don't know. Just don't speak. Tell them you're too drunk to remember anything, and just apologize."

"Aish, hyung! I don't want to lie! You can't do that! Just... just let her stay with you here in the hotel. Don't go, hyung~~"

"Aiisssshhh! Go inside now! I'm going! Go!"

After talking to Sehun, I walk over the driver's seat and asked my driver to go down. "Why, sir?" He asked.

"Sir, uhm, can I drop her off alone? I'll drive."

"But sir, I was told not to le-"

"Don't worry about it. My license is valid here, and she can lead me the way. I won't get lost, and I'll go back here right after I send her home."

"Hmm, okay sir."

"Okay, you can go home now. Merci beaucoup."



"Clarisse, move here in the passanger seat." Junmyeon calls.

"What's going on?" I asked him while going down the car and went inside back again to sit in the passanger seat. "How about the driver and Sehun?"

"Sehun, he'll be okay. This is the hotel we're staying. And the driver, I told him to go home now. I want to drive you home alone."

"Oh, I see." I smiled. "Okay. Let's go then."

After around 30 minutes of driving and giving him which direction to go, we're already outside my house.

Junmyeon hurriedly went out of the car to open my door. "Thank you," I smiled.

"So," I sighed, while we were walking onto the porch. "Hmm?"

"Clarisse, it was really nice meeting you. This day was the best day of my life. I swear."

I laughed. "Yeah! It was mine too. I had a lot of fun too! We did a lot of things! It's the craziest day of my life! Thanks to you, Junmyeon. I get to experience.....life."

"No. I thank you, Clarisse." I thought that was it. But then he called out for me, "But, uhm, Clarisse?"


"So shall I see you again tomorrow?"

I chuckled. "Ha-ha, sure! Let's do that!"

I smiled at him for the last time, turned around, and walked to the entrance of the house into the gate.

I turned around again, and waved at him while smiling, "Bye Junmyeon! I love you! Goodnight!"

don't go | kim junmyeonWhere stories live. Discover now