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[ BGM: XO- James Mayer ]

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Clarisse turned around while walking backwards to smile and wave at me again, "Bye Junmyeon! I love you! Goodnight!"

Ugh. Should I let her go? Should I end this so soon tonight?

Right there and then, I ran towards her before she could even enter the house.

"Clarisse!" I called out. "Clarisse, wait!"

She turned around to see me standing in front of her once again. "Oh, Junmyeon? What is i-?"

I kissed her.

I cupped her face using both of my hands and kissed her passionately in the lips. I was craving for more. I want her. I'm longing for her. For her love.

"Junmyeon..." She moans.

"Can you stay with me for a little while longer? Please, baby?"

She smiles. I knew right then that she feels the same way. Now I won't really let her go.


Junmyeon and I walked around the neighborhood leaving his car behind in front of our house.

I agreed when he asked me to stay for a couple more minutes with him. I'm pretty sure going home late at night wouldn't be much of a trouble for me with my uncle and his wife. And this is just going to be the first time this happens. It's not like I go home late every night. I can bear the consequences, if ever.

"Junmyeon? Where are we going?"

"I... I actually don't know. I just love walking with you."

While strolling around the dark streets, we held hands. I feel safe with him. He makes me feel secured with his touch and his presence.

Surrounded by lamp-post lights, I love how his shadow was illuminated. His figure, his body, his arms, his touch, the way he holds my hands into his, the way he kisses me, the way he laughs, I love every bit of it.

"I also love talking a walk with you, Junmyeon."

We've been carelessly running around and walking hand-on-hand the whole day. From meeting him this morning, to the unexpected Amsterdam trip, and back to Paris again with his also funny friend Sehun. I admit it was tiring. But having someone like Junmyeon who always has crazy ideas on what to do to surprise me and make me happy is all I could ever ask for.

Junmyeon stopped walking. "Clarisse?" He looks at me with serious eyes. "I want to be with you."

He kissed me again. This time, it was more of a longing than a plain, simple kiss.

His soft lips seemed to fit perfectly in mine, making my heart flutter uncontrollably. It's like he's saying I want all of you. Right here, right now.

don't go | kim junmyeonWhere stories live. Discover now