20- paris part 1: all night

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[ BGM: All Night- The Vamps ]


"Hi. This is Junmyeon Kim. May I know if it's possible to rent the museum for tonight?"

"Goodevening, Mr. Kim. By rent, what do you mean?"

"My friend, Clarisse, told me the museum closes at 9:30 PM. But we're still having dinner, so we might not make it on time. So can you wait for us and don't close the museum yet? I'll pay for the extended hours after your closing time. I really want to visit your museum. I heard it's the best here in Paris."

"I'm sorry to tell you but I'm afraid we can't do that, Sir."

I feel flustered. I really want to go now. With Clarisse.

Again, I thought of an idea. I need my manager's help for the second time. He has powers. (lol)"Uhm, Sir, can you hold on for a second? I'll let you talk to my manager instead. He will call you. Is that okay?"

"Sure. I'll wait." He said then he hang up.

I called my manager and told him about the situation. He sighed at first but gave in afterwards. I gave him the museum's phone number and went back inside with Clarisse and Sehun. I wonder what they were talking about.

"So, what's up?" Clarisse asked. "Are we going?"

"They're still deciding. They'll call again later, they said." I lied. I didn't tell her I needed my manager's help.

After 5 short minutes, my phone rang and it was my manager informing me that he talked to the museum's head and told him we are from EXO. They agreed right away and is now preparing the security, we just have to wait for their call.

After eating, I excused myself and told Clarisse I have to go to the toilet but I lied again. I just went outside to talk to our bodyguards and instructed them to keep a distance and make sure Clarisse won't notice them.


Junmyeon told me Sehun always likes to walk around the city streets at night. We walked around the streets of Paris. I was holding hands with Junmyeon while Sehun was on my left side. Sehun is running at times, goofing around, and taking some pictures and videos on his phone.

 Sehun is running at times, goofing around, and taking some pictures and videos on his phone

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don't go | kim junmyeonWhere stories live. Discover now