7- The Writer and The Artist

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"So, uhm," I stuttered again. This was my first time opening a conversation with a stranger. This day is very unusual. "You're a tourist?"

"Yes, I am. You?"

"I work here, but just recently. It's actually my one-month celebration today." I said in an exciting tone.

"Wow, happy one month then!" I grinned. "What do you do? And I think we really should order a cake to celebrate."

"I'm a writer."

"So that figures the laptop, the journal, the coffee, and you staring outside the rain."

"Yes. Wait, what? How... Were you..."

"I'm sorry. I hate to copy what the man said to you awhile ago, but I kinda did the same. I can't help look at you. You were like sinking in your thoughts! Good thing the man interrupted you. He saved you! Oh my God, we forgot to thank him!"

I laughed hard at what he said. "Well, yes, it's true I was literally sinking in my own thoughts awhile ago. But I'm never gonna thank that man."


Wow, she just laughed at my joke. I personally think it was lame. But, oh well, one point for me, Jongdae and Chanyeol!

"Ha-ha, well you're correct. But am I not also disturbing you?"

"No, it's okay. Maybe I also needed a good laugh. Thanks to you, again."

"Are you sure?"


"Okay then, so uhm," I trailed off as I saw my bodyguard across the street talking over the phone. I bet it's my manager checking up on me again. "How is it being a writer? You may not believe me but I actually love to read."

"Well, first off, writing has always been my passion. I didn't have arts as my major back in College. I had business, Accounting and Finance specifically, mom's choice." She pointed out. "So, yeah, I was promoted at work and was moved here."

"Wait, so you work as an Accountant? I thought you're a writer?"

"Technically, yes. My job here is that. But you know what they say, you can't be too focused on one job when you're abroad! So I try to work on a lot of stuffs. And I feel good because I can do what I really love."

"Which is?"


"Ah, I see. I feel proud of you, then, because you can actually do everything you want to."

"Why? How about you?"

Uh-oh, I can't tell her I'm in a famous group in South Korea, can I?

"Well, I, uh, I'm... I'm actually always tied up to work. Like day and night, I'm always needed at work so, yeah, it's hard to keep up with social life, or do recreations and stuffs."

"Oh, that sucks! Although I feel you."

"What do you mean?"

"It's also hard on my work to leave because papers would stack up. If I do things I like, for example, take a day off to work on my second novel, or maybe travel around Europe, or just France, I'll regret it soon afterwards I go back to work."

"Ah, yes. I see. I agree on that. It's really hard, right? It's also becoming tiring at some point. But when I see the faces of my fa-"

Fans. NO. I can't tell her that. It's better she knows me this way. So we could talk naturally, and she won't have to worry about my schedule and stuffs. I must remain to be an ordinary person touring France.


I'm so screwed! But I can't still think of anything. I need a dictionary! Help!

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