19- meeting sehun

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Amsterdam - Paris Nord
Departure 17:45
Arrival 20:25

On our train way back to Paris, Junmyeon and I had been sweeter than our first ride.

Now, we're not conscious to held each other's hands and we can freely do little touches and hugs with each other. It's clear for us what we have right now although we don't have to say it. We enjoy each other's company and we like being together.

But that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. Well, I guess, for me. I'm still unsure what his real feelings are.

Inside the train, Junmyeon insisted we shouldn't eat anymore because aside from the fact we'ee still full (HAHA), he said we still have a long night ahead. Also, he suggested to just eat dinner when we meet his friend later.

Before we reach Paris, I asked Junmyeon if I could go to the toilet for awhile and when I was few steps away from him after I get back, I saw some girls taking a picture with him.

After the girls took pictures with MY Junmyeon, they were all giggling and even flirting with him. Ugh.

So a woman's instinct, I approached them and when Junmyeon saw me, he almost jumped in shocked and immediately let me inside our seat and said his goodbyes and thank yous to the girls.

"Wow, are you really that handsome?" I teased and chuckled.

Surprisingly, he didn't respond to that but just smiled it off.


We arrived at exactly 8:25 PM in Paris. It's already dark and quite chilly outside.

"Are you okay?" Junmyeon asks again.

That's one thing I like that about him. He always checks on me.

"Yeah, are you?"

"Of course! C'mon, let's go. We still have a long night ahead of us." He grabbed my arms and we ran again. We kept running a lot today. It's like we're only given 24 hours or half a day.

"To 10th arrondissement, monsieur." Junmyeon stated. After hailing a cab, I asked him before going in. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

Inside the cab, he made some calls and he spoke Korean so I never understood anything of it.


{a/n: please imagine this conversation in korean and clarisse can't understand what they're talking about}

First Call

Junmyeon: Hello?

Manager: Junmyeon-ah, where are you? I've been trying to call you.

J: I'm sorry. The signal was bad in the library and I fell asleep. Good thing the library was huge enough, nobody caught me. Hehe. {a/n: lol bad liar} Oh by the way, I'm meeting Sehun now.

M: Yes, I just talked to him before he left the hotel. And I'll let you have your bodyguard again, ok? I'll give you your car too.

J: oh? okay. thank you. Anyway, I need to call Sehun now. I'll call you again later. Is that okay?

M: yes call me again. Bye.

Second Call

Junmyeon: Hello?

Sehun: Oi hyung. Where are you?

J: Are you th-

S: Aish, of course I am! I'm already here in the restaurant you made me reserved. Where are you!? I'm already hungry!

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