12- now or never

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As I was walking while pondering on my thoughts as how regretful I am that I skipped work this morning, which causes me to decide to work overtime tonight, I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Sorry!" We both said as we looked at each other.

"What the- Clarisse!!! Hahahaha" The woman yelled.

"Oh my God! Haha! Eriela! Where are you going?" Eriela is my bestfriend here in Paris.

"I'm just going to drop off my laundry before I go to work! How about you? Wait. Aren't you supposed to be at work right now?"

"Well, uhm, yes. I didn't go to work this morning. But I changed my mind and I'm also heading off to the office now."

"Why, are you alright?"

"Yes, yes! I am. No worries!"

"Okay, then. So shall I see you later? Take care, honey!"

"Haha okay. You too." Then we both kissed on the cheeks to bid our goodbyes.


Right when Clarisse told the older man she needs to go back to work, I finally decided that this is my only chance to approach and ask her, or better yet, plead, to make her come with me and travel around today as I remember what she said earlier that she wants to experience traveling and enjoy Europe even just for one day.

This is her time. This is our time. I told myself.

While I was following her with my guard beside me, I saw her bumped into her friend. I thought of an idea that this is the only chance I can escape from my guard and run away with Clarisse.

"Sir, can you do me a favor? Can you buy me one bottle of water and a croissant on that store?" I pointed one bakery two streets away from us and gave him money.

It was just right on time when my guard walked further away that Clarisse and her friend had finished talking too.

This is it.

There's no turning back.

I won't get anything if I don't try.

I wore my black cap and shades.

I took the chance and run towards Clarisse.

A/n: aside from the book that you have to remember, please don't forget Eriela too ^_^

Spoiler/Clue: She's gonna be an important character on the latter part of the story ;) ;)

don't go | kim junmyeonWhere stories live. Discover now