17- amsterdam part 1: the wanderers

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[Background song/linked video: BOOM CLAP by Charlie XCX]

I suggest you to have internet connection to view the pictures. ;)



After 5 minutes from the call I had with my manager, and while eating lunch with Clarisse, my manager called me back again but as soon as I saw his name on the screen, I rejected it and messaged him right away.

To: Manager
I can't answer the phone. I'm still at the library. You can text me instead sir. :)

From: Manager
Are you sure you're really in a library? And I already reserved 3 tickets for you. You're lucky, Ed has one underground pub appearance tonight in Paris. He's a surprise guest. Should I hand it to Sehun?

To: Manager
Omo, yes! Give it to Sehun please! Thank you so much!


Junmyeon and I ate lunch together on the train. We shared some stories again and laughed at each other's jokes. I also fell asleep a few minutes but when I woke up, Junmyeon was also still sleeping. So I took this chance to take a picture.

But before I could even take one, Junmyeon moved and suddenly woke up, therefore the picture resulted into this.

But before I could even take one, Junmyeon moved and suddenly woke up, therefore the picture resulted into this

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Nonsense pic, right?

Anyway, he asked if I was okay and why am I already awake when we still have an hour to go. {A/N: Paris to Amsterdam through high-speed train is approx. 3hrs and 17mins}

"I'm excited, Junmyeon. Maybe that's why." I chuckled. He brushed my head and put his arm over my shoulder, signaling me to put my head on his so I can fall back to sleep again.

I was awakened when I felt something was patting my arms. I opened my eyes and it was Junmyeon waking me up.

"Hey beautiful, we're here."


Before heading out of the station, I suggested to buy our return ticket to Paris right away. And as usual, Junmyeon insisted to pay for it.


WHOA! I can't believe my eyes! I can't believe I'm in Amsterdam!

I took a lot of pictures of this breathtaking scenery before my blessed eyes.

Junmyeon and I ran over to one place over the next and took a lot of pictures on his camera.

I also took a picture of him taking pictures. LOL.

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