13 - the escape

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I continued walking on the sidewalk again after I bumped into my old friend until someone grabbed me by my left arm and yelled me to run.


It also made me run.

"Hey! Stop!" I shouted while trying to let go. "Hey! I said stop! Who are you?!"

We were running across the streets while he was still holding my hand. I was already panting heavily so it almost felt like I was just letting him drag me.

He looked back, like he was looking for someone, and then stopped running as he noticed my heavy panting. He walked over to an alleyway where we hid.

I was about to scream but my jaw almost dropped when he removed his cap and shades.

It was Junmyeon!

"It's me! It's me! Please don't scream." He panicks.



"Yes, it's me. I'm sorry, Clarisse." He sighed. "I'm sorry I had to do that." He frowned and asked "Gwaenchana?" again.


"I mean, are you okay?"

"You grabbed me and let me run across two streets and now you're asking me if I'm okay? Whoa. I can't believe you."

He looked back at the side street.

I was furious so I had to ask him again. "Why did we run? Why did you drag me? Who are you hiding from? Are you running away from the police? Did you do something??"


"No, no. It's not that. It's just... Uhm." As much as I want to tell her the truth, that I was only just running away from my guard, I can't. I really don't want her to know my real identity. I'm afraid she'll change and won't accept me if that happens.


"Okay, okay." I said while tapping on both of his shoulders because he looks so worried and sad. He frowned like he was about to break down. "You don't have to tell me now."

I don't know why I said this. I really want to know the reason why he's running and from who but from the looks of his face, he's not ready to spill. So I just tried to understand his situation and let it slide this time.

"Really?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure you have a reasonable explanation. But if you're not yet ready to spill, then I can wait."

"Really?" He asks again.

"Hahahaha, you're silly, Junmyeon!"


I can't believe she let me off the hook. I mean, wow, she's the type of girl who's really understanding considering the situation and she's patient. I love that.

"But answer atleast one of my questions," she said, "Why are you here? Were you following me?"

I think I have to be honest here.

"Uhm, honestly... I... Uh, yes."

"Since when? Since I got out of the café?"

"Uhm, yes." I feel shy.

"Hmm. Can I ask why?"

Because I like you.

"I thought I was supposed to answer only one question?" I told her.

"Hahaha, damn! You're right though. Okay then, what now? I'm actually heading off to-"

"Will you go out with me?"

Wow, did you see that coming??
Nope? Me neither.

don't go | kim junmyeonWhere stories live. Discover now