Chapter 5

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Mira and Zak arranged for Chopper to watch Astrid and Alex.

Nothing could go wrong there.


But anyway, they boarded the Phantom 2 and set off for Dathomir.

When they landed, Mira followed the directions that Ezra had described to her when she was little, and found herself in a shrine.

"Kriff don't tell me Maul had a creepy obsession to Satine now. I swear what is it with people like this." Mira complained.

Zak shuffled awkwardly and hoped that Chopper wouldn't find the shrine he had to Sabine.

He followed her into the shrine.

Mira looked around and saw a coffin.

"Well Kriff. This shouldn't be too hard. Just revive the dead duchess!" She mumbled sarcastically.

"Fun." Zak said, shaking his head.

Mira gently used the force to remove the lid, and found the (perfectly preserved for plot) Duchess inside.

She sighed and began to force heal.

But not force heal like she had ever done.

She used every ounce of energy, more than she ever knew she had and poured it into the duchess.

A huge light shot out, and Zak had to shield his eyes from being blinded (like Kanan. Too soon? Sorry)

Suddenly they heard gasping, just as Mira fell to the ground, exhausted.

The Duchess Satine sat up coughing.

"W...what? I'm....I'm alive?" She gasped out, looking around.

"I'm Mira Wren Bridger....we need your help."

I kinda wanna revive Obi Wan in some way just so we can have Obitine. But then he'll be old and she'll be young technically because she died young. Ideas?

Mira Wren Bridger-The Final ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now