Chapter 6

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Mira was trying to comprehend everything that had just happened.

Her parents had died.

And now the long dead Duchess Satine was alive.

But she wasn't the only one who was alive.....

Not too far away, the long dead Obi Wan awoke, gasping.

He was younger too....oddly enough.

He looked around and saw what looked to be....Mandalore?

Instantly he had traumatic flashbacks of Satine and Maul and closed his eyes, trying to get the image of her death out of his mind.

He stood up, and stumbled down the broken streets, looking for a sign of anyone.

He came across ruins of an old building, and thought he heard voices. Maybe he was going crazy. After all he had just become alive again after all these years...and he was younger too.

He slowly walked into the building and saw three people.

A younger women with longer black and pink hair, a guy next to her with shorter black hair, and a women wearing a cloak.

"Excuse me...?" Obi Wan called out, nervously.

Mira and Zak turned around and Mira gasped.

"Obi Wan...." she breathed out, remembering her fathers description of the old Jedi Knight.

The women in the cloak froze and slowly turned around.

Obi Wan gasped.

Satine Kryze, stared at Obi Wan Kenobi.

"Satine?!" Obi Wan gasped.

"Obi Wan?!" She cried nearly falling over.

They ran into each others arms without a second thought.

Zak nudged Mira "Guess your dad isn't the only one who doesn't follow the Jedi code" he laughed.

Mira burst out laughing and wished she had a holo recorder.

"I....I thought you were gone." Satine cried into Obi Wans shoulder.

"I'm here now." He sighed, realizing that they were both alive.

Ignore this but I've killed most of my other ships and I figured I could defy logic and make obitine.

Mira Wren Bridger-The Final ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now