Chapter 11

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Mira continued to sit in a cell, and was pretty bored at this point.

She contemplated using a mind trick on the guards, but she *really* needed to work with the people of Mandalore, so she just sighed and decided to wait it out.

Meanwhile, as the Phantom 2 boarded the Ghost, Zak was panicking.

"She's probably dead! I have to find her! I-" he wailed before Satine cut him off.

"She's fine. They won't kill her yet, and it's unlikely they would anyway." She said unconvincingly.

"Thanks I feel so much better." Zak said rolling his eyes as they stepped out onto the Ghost.

Immediately they were greeted by the screams of Obi Wan, as Alex and Astrid chased him around the ship, wreaking havoc.

Chopper didn't seem to be helping much either.

"That's the last time I leave that droid to do anything." Zak mumbled

Satine facepalmed. "You....left a watch....two force sensitive children?" She said, wondering where the logic was.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time." He mumbled as he chased after his kids.

After peace was restored to the ship, they began discussing the Mira issue.

"We can't just leave her there!" Zak protested.

"I agree...but they didn't seem particularly inclined to let us accompany her." Obi Wan observed.

Astrid and Alex, who were messing with Satines' headpiece, spoke up.

"Well if they captured Mom then isn't the best idea to get yourselves captured?" Astrid asked.

Alex nodded. "Yea it can't be too hard." He said as he ripped half the headpiece, while Satine cringed. "Just steal something I don't know."

"Do you mean to suggest we steal?!" Zak asked, shocked. "That's like, illegal!" He protested.

"Maybe you're just a coward." Alex and Astrid said together, smirking.

"While I'm not really for stealing, I've gotta admit, that's not a bad idea." Satine suggested.

"You and Satine just need to disguise yourselves as thieves. I can force cloak myself and sneak in." Obi Wan said.

"And what about the kids? I mean you clearly see that Chopper isn't the *best* option for a babysitter." Zak said, while Chopper whopped in protest.

As Obi Wan opened his mouth to speak, Astrid and Alex started playing hide and seek, and began to force cloak themselves.

"Well there's your answer. They can force cloak. They'll come with me." He suggested.

"...when did they learn to do that?" Zak thought aloud, suddenly scared of his own kids.

He shook his head. "Do you mean to suggest that we take CHILDREN into a war zone?!" He said, annoyed.

Obi Wan shrugged. "They're like 6 right? It's safe." He said.

Zak facepalmed.

"We're going on a mission?!" Alex cried out happily.

"YAY!!!!" Astrid yelled and danced around with Alex, and they both began running around the ship.

Zak sighed. "If they're caught they'll die!" He protested more.

As Satine moved over to Obi Wans side and took his hand, leaning against him, she said "They wouldn't die. Besides, if I know anything about Mandalorians, they'd only raise them to follow their culture." She said shrugging.

"Great!" Zak said sarcastically. "My kids will be force sensitive Mandalorian killers! I'm so proud."

I updated! I'm alive! 😂😂 no seriously I'm so sorry. Wattpad wouldn't let me open the app so I couldn't update. Hopefully it stays okay!!!

Also sarcastic Zak is amazing I can't.

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