Chapter 15

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Mira began to plunge the blade into her chest.

There were gasps of shock and panic from the surrounding Mandos.

Zak screamed, lunging forward and grabbing the blade before she could cut herself too deep.

Mira fell back, weak, but she hasn't seriously wounded herself.

Astrid and Alex ran to her, crying.

"You monster!" Zak shouted at the Duchess, who was in shock of the current events.

"Whatever. She didn't complete the trial, which proves that she isn't fit to become the new leader of Mandalore." She said smugly.

Suddenly, most of the Mandalorians in the room pointed their weapons at the duchess.

"She was willing to sacrifice her own life for the life of others!" One shouted.

"That shows the heart and blood of a true Mandalorian." Another stated

"Yea, unlike a coward like yourself!" A guard spat.

The Duchess began to sputter, before throwing her crown across the room.

She stood up, stomping her foot. "If I can't be the duchess-nobody will" she shrieked, and leaped forward to attack Mira.

Mira gasped out as she saw a sword being raised to her, but the Duchess was quickly shot by another guard, before she could kill Mira.

The duchess fell, dead.

Mira had finished force healing her wound, and stood up-only to be greeted with the entire room bowing to her.

She watched as everyone, from the guards, her children, Satine, Obi Wan, her husband, and the citizens all bowed to her.

A guard stepped up with the crown, getting down on his knee.

"Mira Wren Bridger, you have shown great loyalty, and courage during these trials, and have also shown that you're willing to sacrifice yourself for another. Because of this, is it with great honor, that I offer you the crown, and the title Duchess Of Mandalore."

Mira gasped softly, realizing she was about to accept the rule of an entire planet.

She would be ruling Mandalore. She would be leading their people into peace, away from the darkness that clouded it.

She looked around the room, at everyone who surrounded her, and then looked back at the guard before her.

"I, Mira Wren Bridger, humbly accept the title of Duchess." She breathed.

Everyone began to cheer.

The crown was placed upon her head, and her world began to spin, as she turned to face her new people.

"My name is Mira Wren Bridger, granddaughter of Ursa Wren, and daughter of Sabine Wren Bridger." She paused to take a deep breath. "As your new leader, I promise to rule with fairness, as well as kindness. I'd like to offer my husband, Zak Bak Borwyn, to be Duke at my side." She said, extending her hand.

Zak smiled, stepping up, and taking his wifes' hand.

"I accept, Duchess Bridger." He said grinning, as she handed him another crown.

She signaled for her two kids to join her on the pedestal, and they smiled brightly, as the citizens cheered for their mother.

Once the overall shock had worn off a few days later, Satine and Obi Wan visited Mira personally.

"What do you mean?" Mira asked, shocked at what Obi Wan had just told her.

"When you revived Satine from the force, it restored everything that made her happy. Therefore restoring me, back to the time when she was still alive." He explained.

"So you're saying that by reviving Satine, it was somehow able to revive you?" Mira asked, in shock.


"Which is why we owe great thanks to you, young Mira." Satine stated, taking her hands. "It's because of you that we're together again, and can live happily. That being said...would you be the maid of honor at our wedding?" She asked, smiling brightly.

"I'd be honored Satine." Mira said, feeling nothing but joy.

As Mira brushed her hair that night, she felt a few tears slip down her cheeks.

She was the Duchess of Mandalore. Her kids would eventually be the leaders, and she had her husband by her side.

But she was still missing her parents.

She still greatly missed Kanan and Hera. It had been so long since she had last seen them.

So long since their death, but not any less painful.

She then thought of Zeb.

Zeb. Who would have been her uncle.

The lasat she never met, but had heard amazing, thrilling tales about.

I just want them back. I just wanna see my parents again. I just wanna see Hera and Kanan finally have happiness, and not have to worry about the Empire.

I just wanna meet the lasat that I heard tales about.

These thoughts swarmed Miras' head, when suddenly they were interrupted by a sharp knock on her door.

Confused as to why someone would be knocking so late in the night, she replied, "Come in"

A guard rushed in, with a look of shock on her face.

"Duchess I'm so sorry to bother's just...there....there's a few people here to see you." She said, still shocked.

"Well, very well, send them in." Mira replied simply.

The guard nodded, and hurried off, while Zak entered from the connecting room.

"Who could it be?" He asked, curiously.

"Well, we'll see soon." Mira shrugged.

The door opened, and Mira fell to the floor in shock, as the figures entered her room.

Tears formed in her eyes, and her mind started racing so much, she could hardly form the words.

"M-mom? D-dad?"

ANDDD THAT WAS ALOT TO WRITE! Wow I'm so tired lol XD. But tbh I've been wanting to write this for AWHILE now. I had to end it on this plot twist tho.

So clearly this book will be ending soon, however I might make a book or two about Astrid and Alex. What do you guys think?

Anyway, thanks for sticking by for three crazy books, filled with romance, angst, twisted ships, shrines, and way more.

I love you guys so much, I hope you enjoyed!

Instagram: Sabine_wren_rebels


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