Chapter 13

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Zak and Satine woke up in a dark cell.

"Well that worked." Zak grumbled, rubbing his head.

"Now we just need to get out of here, find Mira, set her free, and then try and have her restore peace to Mandalore!" Satine said cheerfully.

Zak facepalmed.

Meanwhile, Obi Wan had snuck in with Astrid and Alex.

They uncloaked once they were near the cells.

Obi Wan signaled them to be quiet as they crept along, looking for Zak and Satine.

Obi Wan found their cell shortly, and opened it with the force.

"I knew I could count on you." Satine said, and hugged Obi Wan.

"Let's find Mira." Zak stated, and they all quietly rushed down another corridor.

Mira was counting cracks on the wall, when the cell door finally opened.

"Zak!" She cried out softly, running up and kissing him.

Obi Wan shielded the kids eyes.

"Now we need to find the leader of this base." Mira said.

"Is that really a good idea?" Zak said, concerned.

"I have to convince them that I can rule Mandalore. It's the only way." Mira said looking down and sighing.

"Very well..." Zak replied, unsure.

The team crept down the halls, and finally found the throne room.

Upon the throne sat Sacha Orv, the current Duchess of Mandalore.

Mira burst into the room.

Immediately all the guards had their blasters pointed and were ready to fire.


"Escaped convict!"

"Throw her out!"

"Kill her"

Voices filled the room, but Mira stood her ground.

"My name is Mira Wren Bridger. I'm the daughter of Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger, and the granddaughter of Ursa Wren-the last rightful ruler of Mandalore. I come forth now, with my husband Zak Borwyn, a former Rebel solider, with Mandalorian blood, to claim my rightful place on the throne of Mandalore." She recited as confident as she could.

"And who here is willing to confirm this *story*?" Sacha replied, with a slight eye roll.

"I can." Satine replied stepping forward. "As I am Satine Kryze, former ruler of Mandalore."

"And I can as well. I'm Obi Wan Kenobi, former Jedi Master." Kenobi spoke, stepping forward net to Satine.

Gasps from the guards, and fellow Mandos' followed.

"Are you suggesting you take my Throne? A Jedi Mandalorian? What kind of nonsense is that?" Sacha scoffed.

"Sabine Wren would've taken the throne, and a Jedi would've been ruling then. It's no difference if I take the throne now." Mira reasoned.

A guard withdrew his blaster. "The Prophecy does state that only the rightful ruler can be the leader. I vote for this Mira."

Sacha scowled.

"I agree." Another one piped up.

More guards and Mandos began to agree with Mira, and were withdrawing their weapons, leaving Sacha speechless.

"Alright ALRIGHT." She growled. "She is allowed to take her"-she scoffed-"rightful place as leader-as soon as she passes the trials." She smirked.

"But Duchess you didn't take the trials-" a guard began.

"I'm allowed to require them and I'll hear no further protests. They'll be welcome to stay here, but I will not be relinquishing my throne to this child until the trials are completed in full." Sacha spat, standing up. She turned on her heel, and stormed out of the throne room.

Mira gasped in surprise.

She had almost completed her goal. She was so close to ruling the entire Mandalore culture, and restoring peace.

So close...and still she had to complete these *trials*.

She took a sharp breath, and pulled her children close, while she hoped that whatever these trials were, she'd be able to handle them...

Whoop whoop update. And over 600 words (not including this authors note)

For those wondering, Sacha was originally going to be the name of Sabines sister, before they changed her sibling to a brother instead.

That fact does not belong to me, and I first found out from @rebels.trivia on Instagram. So all credits to them for that.

Anyway, I'll try and update this more. I'm finally getting to the good stuff XD

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