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Oh Oh Oh, how are you all enjoying the story? I know I probably lost a lot of readers because I left for such a long time, but I've found my new inspiration and I'll continue writing. I promise I'll update more often. Thank you so much!

Tony's POV

Where the hell was Laurie? Did she bail on me?

I paced around the corner of the street and an uneasy feeling began to build up in my chest. Would she be lost? No, she's been here for too long.

Maybe she was just using me; to help herself get over Vic.

And maybe I didn't care. As long as I could love her and make her happy, that's all that would matter.

I love her.

*Half an hour later*

Laurie was no where to be found.

"I guess nice guys finish last." I sighed heavily and groaned.

She wasn't going to show up. I have to admit, I was looking forward to this day more than anything. I loved being around her, even if it seemed like I was following her around like a lost puppy. Everything about her was just enchanting, alluring, desirable.

I sighed again and hopped into my car.

"Maybe next time."

I started up the car and cruised down the road, feeling melancholic as anything.


Slow nights, slow mornings. It's been this way for a while now.

I got up. Was I napping? What time was it?

"Tony?" I wondered where he was. He's been out more than usual.

"Mike?" I called for him in a raspy voice.

"Mike?!" I yelled even louder, and I heard footsteps.

"Yeah man, what do you need? It's like 2 in the afternoon, you're a mess." He looked agitated and tired.

"Nothing, where's Tony?"

"He went out."

"Oh alright, thanks Mike."

"No problem man, feel better."

He always says that.

I felt my phone vibrate somewhere in my bed. Was it Tony? No, he doesn't usually call. I rummaged through my pants and found it.

It was Laurie.

I immediately answered the phone, but I was stunned when I heard a male voice.

"-that look in your eyes. I thought I'd killed you, but you were just so broken and shocked. That's why I came here to find you; because no matter how many times I force myself onto you, you're still going to be that same old Laurie that will struggle, and struggle, and struggle to glue back the broken pieces. But you're like glass; you're never going to be perfect again, no matter how many times you try to stop me. I'll never forget that I was the one to shatter you, and each time you think you have all the pieces together and presentable, I'll shatter you once again."

I froze. My palms immediately began to sweat and my head hurt.

Was this a joke? No, Laurie wouldn't be so shallow. My body was tense, but I couldn't stop listening.

"That's why you're never going to leave this place. If you try and escape, I'll find you, kill you, and drag your lifeless body into the Hudson, so don't you even think about it."

I heard a loud thump followed by a wave of silence. Laurie was in trouble.

"Hello?! Laurie are you there?!" I screamed violently into the phone.

"Oh, what's this? Laurie had her phone on? Haha, I should have known she'd take it with her. Anyways, you must be someone special to her, huh? Her hands were tied, so she must've hit speed dial when she was pushed against the wall. How clever, I would've never thought about that. I'm Roland, nice to meet you. I'll be taking Laurie from now on. Don't try calling the police, because I can shoot her unconscious body right now. Although, if you'd like to see her, we're 5 miles off the Hudson River. Happy hunting, but don't come empty handed." He hung up.

Okay Vic, gather your thoughts. My hands were shaking violently.

"Get yourself together."

The Hudson River in New York.

I'm in New York.

Laurie is in New York.

"Mike, get over here right now!" I yelled as loud as possible.

"Yeah Vic, what's the deal man?" He seemed frightened.

"I know where Laurie is." His eyes went wide open.

"I can't drive though, I might panic. Can you?" I tried to calm myself down.

"Yeah, but there's something you need to know, Vic." His eyes looked remorseful.

"Tony's been hanging out with Laurie. He told me not to tell you for her sake."

I heard the door open downstairs.

"Hey guys, I'm home!" It was Tony.

I heard his faint, raspy voice echo through the halls, and I sauntered towards the source of the voice.

"Where ya been, Tony?" I questioned him, but I already knew the answer.

"Just out, I needed some fresh air." He replied calmly.

"Oh some fresh air? Like with a girl, maybe?"

"Chill out Vic, I wasn't out with any girl." His features held a nervous expression.

"Tony, you're supposed to be my brother! You're supposed to be honest and you're supposed to be there for me just as I would be for you!" I screamed.

His face turned a bright red and he glanced over at Mike questioningly.

"Listen Vic, I'm kinda in a bad mood so let's talk about this later." He said with his head down.

I stared at him with a pair of somber eyes and found myself in both diappointment and fury.

"Whatever, you're dead to me." I blurted with false lips, and I immediately regretted it.

He looked devastated. His expression was soft and fragile, but it soon contorted and twisted.

Tony was mad, but I was totally unconcerned. I stalked past him, bumping his shoulder and leaving him to sulk in his own guilt.

"Let's go, Mike."

My hands stopped shaking.

I'm going to find her.


I know the chapters are a bit short, but they'll get longer. (: Hope you enjoyed it ~

Anyways, I've been thinking about getting some sort of editor for this story. It has a lot of mistakes and grammar issues and stuff, so would anyone like to help me edit/revise? Inbox me if you're interested c:

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