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Woot new chapter ~

Vic's POV

The tension in the car built up while we drove towards the Hudson River. I wasn't upset with him. I was just anxious and terrified of what Laurie must be going through right now.

I fumbled with my hands and rocked back and forth in my seat.

I looked like a pothead; felt like one too.

"Hey Mike, how much longer?" My voice quivered.

"Not much bro, hang in there okay?" He sounded worried. I would be worried too.


Silence engulfed the vehicle once again. I tried to distract myself by observing the inadequate scenery, but it only made me feel worse. What if Laurie was stuck in one of these buildings?

I'd search each and every one just to see her again, without a doubt.

With the clues Roland gave us, how the hell are we going to find her?

"Hey Vic?"

What if we don't get there in time?


What if she's already dead?!

"Victor Vincent Fuentes please calm down you're making yourself bleed!" Mike yelled with a panicked voice. I looked down at my hands to see blood on one and fingernail marks on the other.

"Oh I didn't even notice, I'm sorry."

"Hey wait, look at that."

We both stared hard an old, white, house and crippled with a red pickup truck next to it.

I could almost feel Laurie next to me again.

I glanced over at Mike and gave him a small nod, not wanting to break the fragile atmosphere in the cap.

Laurie's POV

I felt the cold penetrate my skin and shivers went up my spine, and I found myself to be tied up again, but naked this time? Where are my clothes? My phone? Roland?

Even his name made me want to puke, but I was starving so there'd be nothing to puke up.

I'm so hollow.

"Laurie honey? Are you down here?"

Vic ..?

No it can't be, he'd never find me here.

"Laurie is that you?!"

It was his voice. My heart shattered into a billion pieces just hearing that sweet, mellow voice echo in my ears.

"Haha, no Vic that's cheating! You aren't supposed to talk!" Giggles erupted from a female voice.

What was this?

"When did we make up that rule?" Vic breathed, seeming defeated.

Oh, I remember now; an accidental recording from my phone when I went over his house one night.


"When did we make up that rule?" Vic sighed.

"Just now!" I laughed, still hiding. It's a game we made up; hide and seek, but with the lights off, a time limit, it's exclusively at night, and the loser has to do a dare.

"Okay well fine, if that's how you want to play!" I heard his footsteps grow further and further away, and I sighed in relief.

"Gotcha." He breathed on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my waist. I didn't even hear anything or anyone!

"No actually, I got you." I turned to face him and pushed him against the wall. "Who's the winner now?" I smiled and watched his eyes flick over mine.

"Okay fine, what's my dare, Miss Winner?"

"Surprise me." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I knew those two words made his mind wander.

He grabbed me by the waist and switched our positions so I was against the wall, kissing my neck with rough lips and hot breath.

"You know me so well." He said in between breaths.

I slid my hand up his chest, unbuttoning his shirt from the top. He let go of my waist for a second to take off his unbutton shirt and this time, he picked me up with his toned arms and carried me upstairs.


"Shh, I won't." He already knew what I was thinking and placed me gently on the bed, climbing over me. He removed my shorts and my shirt and I felt the heat in between us, and the tension in my chest.

"Don't worry, I would never hurt you." He whispered ever so quietly; almost so that I couldn't hear it. I only nodded and lifted my arms to his face to pull him closer to me.

His lips connected with mine and I swear I was holding back, but a gentle moan escaped my lips and I knew at that point that he was my world and I was lost in an ocean deep inside of him. I knew I wasn't lying when I said I wasn't afraid.

I felt the hardness of his abs contrast with the softness of my skin while our lips connected, separated, and reconnected like magnets. I flipped him over so I was sitting on him and he hugged my bare thighs while my lips found their way to his most vulnerable secret; the spot behind his ear. He knew what I was doing and I knew he had a limit to his self-control, but I teased him anyways and flicked my tongue over his delicate skin.

"Laurie that's not nice." He moaned.

"You don't have to hold back." We paused and he stared into the depths of my eyes, searching for any kind of fear, sadness, or anxiety. He found none.

I don't even remember when he took his shorts off but my heart was pounding and I don't know when my clothes got tossed somewhere where I don't care, but I was pressed against him so hard that I felt like our bodies might fuse. He slipped his arms around my waist and looked into my eyes one last time.

"Are you sure?"

"I trust you."

And at that moment he nodded and our bodies entangled and became a vulnerable mess with both my insecurities and his, yet the taste of utter infatuation remained on my lips and he was engulfed in the thought of us as one but with every heartbeat, the world around us became slower, more intimate.


And that warmth filled me like the air in my lungs; so that's why if he was my ocean, I was a small raindrop relying solely on the wind to guide me to someplace hopefully close to his heart inside the vast body of water that he was.

*End of Flashback*

So yeah that was my first time writing such an intimate scene and man, I really did think I would get back into writing this but I just find glimmers of inspiration occasionally and it's not enough to keep me writing. The story isn't done, I'll just take longer to write. Thank you!

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