Chapter 1 ~ The One and Only

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I do not own any places or characters from The Lord of the Rings, only the few I have added in.

*First story about Legolas! Hope you enjoy*

''Farin'' my voice echoed through the forest, ''get back here you're going to get hurt!"

My little brother was playing his little and annoying game of tag. It pretty much went like this:

1. When Eda's not looking run.

2. Keep running until Eda catches up.

3. Get yelled at and make Eda look like the bad guy.

4. Repeat the next day.

I was tired of his games the next time he even looks towards the woods I'm tying him down to a chair for the rest of the day.

''Farin!'' I yelled again. I could now see the brown hair on his little head. And since he was young he can't run as long as I can.

I heard a twig snap nearby, ''Farin!" I yelled frantically. I didn't need to loose him to some monster that lurked in the woods. I ran towards where I last saw him, a clearing. When I finally got there I saw him standing still looking at something.

An elven guard. Not good, not good at all.

It always meant trouble when a guard of the king himself found you. We are so doomed. The penalty for running through woods that is not considered your property is death.

I ran and stood in front of my little brother making sure that no harm would come to him. And did something that no other elf would dare to do. I took my hand made bow and pointed it at the guards forehead.

''Take another step forward and I will make sure this goes through your head.'' I hissed at the guard.

In under a second his war bow was facing me, the arrow aiming for my heart. We just stood there waiting for the other to make any movement. And someone did. Not me, my brother, or the guard, but the elf the guard was protecting the one and only Prince Greenleaf.

As soon as he stepped out of the shadows I put down my bow and went one one knee. This showing that I meant no harm and it was a sign of respect.

Now most elves my age would be all over him. Since the lovely man was not taken by any other maiden. But I respect his personal space, and don't think I could ever get along with a prince. I mean they always look so perfect even after a battle, and everythings served to them on a silver platter. It seems like they don't notice their starving citizens.

''I'm sorry your highness I didnt.....''

''Stand'' he said firmly. Even though it was a command I still heard the softness in his voice.

I did as I was told and stood at my full height. That's when I saw what he really looked like. He was even more handsome then in all the tales. His place skin complimented his white blonde locks that spilled over his shoulders. His slender form still showing a sign of strength. And the eyes, blue like the ocean, as cold as ice.

I was staring at him not good! I was defiantly going to be put to death now. I looked down immediately. But he ignored my staring and walked towards my brother. I didn't move, I was scared not of the Prince but for my brother. He did leave our property without permission.

The Prince bent down to my brothers height and asked, ''what is your name?"

''Farin'' he answered not looking into the princes' eyes.

He was scared, I sensed it and so did Prince Greenleaf. ''I'm not going to hurt you there is no reason to be afraid.''

My brother looked into his and smiled.

''Now'' the Prince said, ''why are you leading your sister into such dangerous woods?''

This is going to be interesting.

''Well'' my brother started, ''its just another adventure, everyday I run away from the big scary monster.'' He nodded his head towards me, ''everyday she gets faster and more scary making it even more fun!''

He was soooo going to get it when we got home.

A smirk came onto Legolas's face. He looked from my brother, to me, then to my brother again.

''Your sister doesn't look anything like a monster.'' He said. I tried my hardest not to laugh, I bet my brother wasn't expecting that.

''You haven't seen he in the morning.'' My brother added quickly, ''that's scary.''

I blushed, he definitely was going to get payback.

''Farin'' Legolas laughed ''I don't think that's nice to say about your sister.''

''I'm only telling the truth'' he replied.

''OK Farin but you can't run in these woods, even with your monstrous sister chasing after you.''

''Yes Prince Legolas.''

Then the Prince did something totally unexpected. He got an aroow out of his quiver and handed it to my brother.

''Will you keep out safe for me?'' He asked Farin.

''Yes yes yes yes!'' My brother squealed hugging the arrow and jumping up and down.

Prince Greenleaf stood up and looked at me, ''take him home now.'' I nodded and did what I was told. I grabbed my brothers hand and started walking towards our house.

As I was walking home I had a hard time processing what just happened. I just met Prince Greenleaf!

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