Chapter 5 ~ Nightmares

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''Naneth what happen to Ada?'' She didn't answer she just kept on crying.

I sat down next to her and started to rub her back hoping she would answer me soon. It honestly scares me to see her like this. She's always so strong and brave. I've never seen this broken side of her. And I don't like it.

After she calmed down a little bit she answered my question, ''he left us. Me and you. He just.... left.'' She started to cry again ''he chose to leave.''

My heart shattered, literally. I thought he loved us. We were that family that everybody wished they could have. How could he leave me.

I looked back at my mother but she wasn't there anymorw, but I could still her her crying echoing through the house. I started to look around.

''Don't leave me too! Don't leave!''

I sat straight up in my bed and looked around. Its just a dream, she didn't leave, its just a dream.

The question that haunted me to this day started to run through my head again, why did he leave.

For awhile I was convinced it was my fault, that I wasnt good enough. I was depressed all the time, I didn't have a life worth living for. But my mom realized that she didn't want my childhood to be like this so she turned herself around and became a better parent. That day we started over.

Since I couldn't go to sleep I walked outside. The cool breeze on my face relaxed me instanly . I walked further into the woods just enjoying the time to myself. I walked until I found a rock that overlooked a pond. I sat there closed my eyes and just thpught about my life.

Eventually I got tired, only this place I could trust sleeping near. Nobody that I knew of ever found this place. Just for precaution I took a dagger out of my pocket and placed it on my thigh. Then I slowly fell to sleep.

Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.

My ears perked up and I kept listening to the sound. Footsteps. Somebody was here. The sound stopped all of the sudden.

My hand slowly went up to my dagger and I grasped the handle. I knew whoever it was was right behind me. I had one shot, either a hit or miss.

One, two, three!

I jumped up and held the dagger right up to the persons neck, ready to kill if need be.

''Would you really do that to me?'' The person asked.

My eyes widened I surprise, ''Dineadale?'' I asked.

''Why are you out so late?'' Well hello to you to.

''None of your business''

''Why are you back so early?''

''I got the mission done'' he said smiling proudly.

Dineadale work as one of the kings warriors, very high up. So every couple of months he would leave to go on a mission or hunt.

''My mom and Farin are going to be so happy.''

''Of course they will be, Im here now.'' And now he thinks that the world revolves around him. Even better.

The rest of the night Dineadale questioned me about everything. I gave short and to the point answers.

We don't have the best relationship. I don't consider him my father at all, he has done nothing for me. If it was possible I'm pretty sure he would've gotten rid of me as soon as possible. He always found something to blame on me even if I had nothing to do with it.

After a long interrogation my mother finally saved me from my misery by walking downstairs.

''Your home!'' She yelled running into his open arms. Then they started to kiss. I wanted to puke.

''Well'' I said rubbing the back of my neck, ''i all go run those errands.''

They broke away from the kiss ''yes go do that'' my mother said not taking her eyes off of Dineadale.

Great. Dineadales back....



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